Do You Have Mental Viruses? | Eckhart Tolle

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Eckhart shares how we can unknowingly carry mental viruses, how they can get deeply ingrained in our minds and how dangerous they can be when they infect every other thought.

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Review Writer says:

I think lots of us in the US are suffering from mental viruses.

lisa brudenell says:

thanx matey, x

Svetlana De Light says:


Lloyd Waycott says:

I guess I'll keep asking this question until someone can help me, where can I find the footage that the closing scene of the waterfall comes from? A long version would be a great meditation tool for those of us who cannot get to such places.

Almjoschi says:

the mind is a very delusive thing. the heart is what matters. p.s. i think everyone has to go the own way and find it out by self. there is no prepared path.

Yukio Saito says:

I stay away from people who spread mental virus. If there's an effective mental vaccine, I'm going to get vaccinated a couple of times.

J Page says:


Gregor Dawgbin says:

W 0 k e is described by the title

Gregor Dawgbin says:

W 0 k e is the mind virus

Gregor Dawgbin says:

W o k e is the mind virus

zizzzix says:

Is it normal my nipples starts cracking after watching this? I have mild elephantitties, but that normally stays under control with perineum sunning. I feel a bit worried, but i could be overthinking. Anyways, email me for fierljep pictures. 🥝

Rubber Side Down says:

The girl writing has experienced brutal awakenings through life processes. After a couple of these alarm clocks going off, the idea that there’s a way to do this without the nervous breakdowns attached to running it as hard as she can her way, listening, silence and practiced disciplines is the easier softer way. A few minutes a day holding space for source OR madness.

For decades, this girl, was taught that she was depressed not the truth of self will run riot. Black out medicine was prescribed and used. Looking backwards it’s unbelievable that she blindly believed this diagnosis, without asking questions, ate drugs to heal.

One belief held her and once that root belief was proven to be fictional, all those built upon that root belief crumbled.

Don’t believe everything you think. Taking on new thoughts and ideas and teachings after reviewing for 3 months spent in the desert the obvious beliefs and the subtle, what was found out is anything made by words describing Yahweh or say, the meaning of life, is a well meaning fiction – it’s in the silence. 🧚‍♀️

Light says:

Thank you; helpful, wise teaching.

Sigh Willy says:

Thought viruses are everywhere. And they are broadcasting telepthically, & energetically Especially when we feel out of control, or in a fear-based state.. we summon them to us. Like attracts like thoughts, & feelings.. which manifest as a Refection of our inner state of Awareness.
Then.. what we give our attention to Manifests as our Experience.

Nothing is EVER Happening randomly or accidently. We are unconsciously or CONSCIOUSLY projecting out our imagined Beliefs, which are reflected back ongoingly.
Therefore becoming Self-Realized, & more Conscious of our unlimited PRESENCE.. will allow us to Focus our Choices deliberately & CONSCIOUSLY…. Knowing we are each Experiencing our Level of Awareness & PRESENCE Ongoingly. 😍 💖 😍
I also have never had a flu (virus) vaccine, or shot… & I don't "CATCH" Flu's. And haven't seen a Dr for over 60 yrs. I practice what I Believe. And I'm 83, & appear physically in my mid-40's, with the Energy & Stamina I had in my 30's. Diseases, aging, etc are Programmed Beliefs conditioned into people unaware of being programmed, using the Power of Suggestion. The newsmedia, & various authority figures dictate to those unconscious of being programmed with limiting fear-based Beliefs (which are Stories made-up, & believed to be true) to Control those unconscious to what's happening. It's basically Mass-Hypnosis.
People… its Time to Awaken from your Amnesia, & unconscious State. And become CONSCIOUS of YOUR Unlimited GOD PRESENCE. 🙏 Creigh

Ernest Berry-Songs Restored says:

He needs a girlfriend..

Sheryl mac says:

Thoughts are energy , the more you think about a worry the stronger the thought gets. Thought + emotion attached goes out to the universe to co create exactly what was thought, felt & believed knowing. Thank you

brights grove says:

Eckhart explains this mental illness perfectly. I would add adrenaline and other brain processes in fight or flight mode, results in personal historic memory time compression, and a 180 degree flip in perspective, from inwards outwards, to outwards inwards.
In survival mode for life, the ego in 1 second hits the alarm to seek a way out.
Searching similar anxious states to recall an appropriate safe next steps away from the perceived danger. What saved us from lions, now runs a-mock in stressful life events such as childhood trauma, harassment and discrimination. Mental illness is a result of unresolved trauma imho.

Gregor Dawgbin says:

Remember this: "wokeness is a mind virus." – Elon Musk

Yankee Skunkee says:

Mr. Piggy is such blatantly obvious flim-flam man

Tally Kaczynski says:

Does Trump have a mental virus 🦠?

Regulus Mine says:

Trust me Eck, I hate politics but we have no choice. It will affect our daily lives. You'll get your peace when you die. We're here to do a job. So get to work.

fluentpiffle says:

All people have mental viruses.. It is called 'cultural conditioning'..

Infinite Nothingness says:

[8:30] Just pay attention to that which is beyond thought.
🙏stillness and presence 🧘‍♂️

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