A Dialogue with Ram Dass and Eckhart Tolle

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An evening with Ram Dass and Eckhart Tolle – these two teachers engage in an open conversation about spiritual awakening and the transformation of consciousness, October 28, 2011 in Maui, HI.

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pete burkeet says:

Eckhart Tolle is strangely uninteresting. If you understand continental
philosophy at all he sounds very much like a novice. If you have seen Alan
Watts you can see Eckhart is boring as hell. Why people dig this guy is
beyond me. 

Metoroid0 says:

Sometimes i feel like these spiritual teachers are seeing ego (or i see it
that way idk) as something bad, and not part of being human. Well it is,
its just identification with it that creates problems, but that also is
part of living human life, and body also.. right?
Sometimes i feel separate from myself as whole if i ignore all those things
that make me human and a human being..and even saying and making mental
images as body, spirit, ego, soul etc, it divides me somehow.
Not all people are at the same level of awareness or consciousness and
hearing those things without first hand experience can enforce ego to
separate things in head, and make ourselves be more separate, and reinforce
ego, instead of being whole and one with our self.

Well it came to me just now so i felt like sharing.
I like to listen to Tolle talks by the way. :)

Reverend Eslam says:

Only marginally more exciting than watching paint dry.

ricardo ricky says:

Now? I can’t wait!

Audrey Angelov says:

*If you are interested to know the truth of life that will make your mind
understand that it’s the problem and that it needs to change,* be sure you
go to this *free,* life-changing, mind-blowing ebook on *the truth of life*
called “The Present” at TruthContest◙Com. *It could **change our life*

LMA UK says:

Tolle looks like a sad little smurf desperately seeking employment and

Lukas Pesl says:

13:36 Eckart has obviously problems with his back. He should do something
with that :P

Iim Cornell says:

Sorry, but I wonder what kind of “guru” it is who teaches the importance
of the surrender of ego yet then feels the need to go on stage
notwithstanding the fact that his condition demands an almost saintly
patience on the part of the audience. This is especially true since,
frankly, Ram Dass offers no greater wisdom than a teacher who wouldn’t
demand such sacrifices from the audience (like Eckhart, for example).
We’ve not not only turned him into an icon who, becasue he’s an icon, we’ll
suffer to hear but he seems to relish that status.

It’s time for Ram Dass to get off the stage and meditate quietly on the
neediness of his ego. And if he still feels the need for an audience, he
should write books.

Jerry Jones says:

I can not get past the idea that tolle is a fraud.
He starts out here by telling us there are so many kinds of love.
I stopped watching right after that.

Tess Nobile says:

These two men ground me. 

Pogo says:

Hahah, I loved it when they swapped out that piece of shit lapel
microphone. :D

Horst Jedlika says:

That ram guy is annoying as fuck. 

Veronica Krestow says:

sheer beauty! *Thank You*

annaknowsu says:

What is he saying at around 4:30? “In true love you want the other person
good But in romantic love you want the other person” Want the other person

MysticCaravan says:

The challenge is to see the sublime beauty of every moment, and each
person, regardless of what their presentation or delivery is. It’s better
to bless and move on then to add to ones negative karma through negative

101Strings says:

kowder peg! <3

eurus pulsare says:

1:20;01 so thats why jésus say” forgive them as they do not know what they

Anna Love says:

Haha when you know how to SEE, everything is Guru.. even a spotted rug!!! 

Rar Jungle says:

I am really surprised by all the negative comments here. It seemed to be a
lovely talk overall, and beautiful to see such people together on stage. I
remember when I first read “Be Here Now”, years ago, and what a profound,
simple truth that book contained. Then years later, the even more potent
and profound book, “The Power of Now”. I am so happy to be able to see
these two souls talking and sharing together on this video.

BigBadWolf says:

Skip till 4 min mark. I almost pulled my hair out waiting PATIENTLY. This
Eckhart needs a beating.

Alicia Ramirez says:


Rod Callaghan says:

What can I say, and who is really saying it, anyway?

John McIntyre says:

I don’t agree that u cant feel someone’s essence,soul,energy or whatever u
want to call it,i sense the energy of all life,and also those of spiritual
entities like angels,i feel there presence as i would feel someone else’s

Ravi Kiran Muddha says:

Amazing Now !

United Humanity says:

I would like to recommend amazing book about spirituality. It is called
“The Present” and you can find it on TruthContest. It shares many ideas
with Eckhart, but explains the big picture even better, IMO. It’s like a
perfect match of science and religion. Truly amazing read. Enjoy :)

TRichmond1964 says:

Eckhart is actually a ‘Gray’ who holds his human hologram really well:<) and has many simple, but nonetheless very worthwhile teachings!

krysty kava says:

Fantastic !!

myflesh10 says:

Amazing talk!! Thank you Ram and Eckhart.

Denise Hack says:

May all open their heart and know ! Now and Love is amazing! I pray for
all to know !

Asgeir Bragason says:

Wholeness is
what is
happening in
the natural reality

Chris Lim says:

How are you sure consciousness is creating body not body or brain creates
consciousness. I realized there is only now and time does not exist and all
things we perceive is happening in the space of now as impermanent. But,
that does not fulfill answer that consciousness creating form world
including myself as one whole. Isn’t that another belief or doctrine?

Bob Dickson says:

Both of these guys are 2 of the biggest crooks in the history of mankind.
Both making tons of money off the credulity of the ignorant masses
searching for some metaphysical state that will allow them to not feel one
moment of pain for the rest of their lives. A pitiful testimony to the
state of the human condition as it stands…and definitely a strong
indicator that mother nature will ultimately pull the plug on human
existence sooner rather then later.

B. Hilton says:

I am so glad to see this discussion with Ram Dass! So many of today’s
Thought Leaders are expanding on the teachings of those who came before
them. I worked with Ram Dass’ team and DJ Kriece on a very cool Spoken Word
album in 2008, which was after his stroke. Many people “count you out”
when you have a stroke, especially the media, which is so unfair. Ram Dass
has worked very hard on his recovery and still has so much to share.
Please, be still, be kind and just open up to listening.

Guillermo Garcia says:

TO BE IN THE NOW is “un-interesting” because it is quite difficult. HOWEVER
once you begin to understand it, then it becomes very interesting. It’s up
to you if you wish to face the challenge. Don’t try it alone. Search for
people who are seriously into it. You can’t do 7th grade Math when you are
a 1st grader. It’s a learning experience like any other. 

David Spector says:

There are now so many self-realized teachers on the Web, but rarely do we
get a chance to see them interacting like this. It is so beautiful to see
them both having such a similar and deep philosophy of life, particularly
since disagreement is standard when (non-realized) intellectuals get

Mina Caputo says:

Simply gorgeous. 

Gabriela Csányiová says:
j.d. thompson says:

Ram Dass looks and sounds terrific.Grateful for his recovery.

James Leo says:

No offense to Ram Dass, but he’s too slow for my taste. I wait 30 seconds
to hear “The ego is rooted in…………….negative..stuff…….”

Gudnazon says:

My game is better than your game. hehe

Fabien Le Voyageur says:

I dont want to be mean but theyre not the best advert for a spiritual life
!! love them though I do!!

Brandin Shaeffer says:

the moderator lady truly got on my nerves. I used her annoying speech
patterns as a way to practice non-reactivity ;)

Max Cooper says:

I feel so privileged for the opportunity to be the First Comment-or on this
historic video — the first broadcast of the authors of Be Here Now and
Power of Now, together on video. God bless, Love, Love, Love. 

Marda Barton says:

Eckhart Tolle on the Power of Kyphosis

M Ward says:

That was very lovely. . Very fond of both Ram Dass and Eckhart. . Eckhart
initiated real change in my outlook and Ram Dass has helped me have a sense
of humor about it :)

MyAntijesus says:

This is very typical of spiritual people they say one thing but their body
and libido does the opposite. That explains Tolle’s boner.

artistxmusic says:

What a great teacher. I was so moved by The Power of Now that I
wrote a song inspired by the book. Check it out on my channel and
let me know what you think!

Kazz Daxx says:

why cant they ever get the sound right?????

Myriam Zuñiga says:

por favor alguien que lossubtitule en español seria maravilloso

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