Alan Watts ~ Spirituality ~ Why We Need It

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If you can move from freedom

If you can move from freedom, then you will discover the most extraordinary things of the mind. And then you will find that the mind itself is the total reality: it is not that there is a reality to which the mind goes, but the mind itself, that extraordinary thing, when there is no contradiction within itself – when there is no anxiety, no fear, no desire to be successful – then that mind itself is that which is eternal, unnameable. But to speculate about the eternal without understanding the whole process of the mind is just childish play; it is an immature game which scholars, whom you worship, play. So, it would be good if you and I could really go into this, as two human beings interested in solving the problems we have, which are also the problems of the world. The personal problem is not different from the world problem. But you cannot tackle it if you have not understood the mind.So, please, do watch your mind, go into it not merely when you have nothing to do, but from the moment you get up to the moment you go to bed, from the moment you wake up until you go back to sleep. Then you will begin to find out what an extraordinary richness there is – a richness not in knowledge, but in the nature of the mind itself. It is in the mind, also, that there is ignorance. The dispelling of ignorance is all-important, not the acquisition of knowledge, because the dispelling of ignorance is negative while knowledge is positive. And, a man who is capable of thinking negatively has the highest capacity for thinking. The mind which can dispel ignorance and not accumulate knowledge such a mind is an innocent mind, and only the innocent mind can discover that which is beyond measure.

– Krishnamurti,


Spirtual Mind says:

do i after believe in god to listen to this stuff? what was alans belief system?
i'm agnostic

giuseppe prestia says:

Oscar wharehinga becouse u r a wise one

budvido .budvido says:

Wherever you go, there you are.

oscar wharehinga says:

Why am I 15 year old thats interested in alan watts insted of going to check fb every 5 mins or taking snapchats??
Unique or just being weird??

Jermain Roberts says:

Great stuff.. Relativity is often ignored or not noticed but it's yet so obvious. :D

Joe Trevino says:

whats the group on Facebook

Alb S says:

I am nothing without them and they are nothing without me. I am only here because the people before me left their imprint on the world. So I am nothing without them. Which then makes them depend on me being.

Justin Caldwell says:

just looking for a new one.

95dank says:

Alan watts, the real Buddhist.

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