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Learn how to use dreaming as a spiritual practice that connects you with your own divine self. Theresa Bullard takes us into the realm of dream-time to give us useful methods for connecting our intellectual mind with the intuitive side. She identifies four categories of dreaming, the benefits of each, and how we can start working with them. This includes deepening your awareness during dreaming by learning their symbolic language, connecting with higher self for conscious dreaming, and the steps you can take to become a lucid dreamer.
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Bendecida tarde no esta en español por favor gracias
Thanks for this beautiful video. I love it.
Dreams do to much’ they wake me up every dam hour, I’m sick of them! Especially since it’s constantly a problem when I’m trying to get sleep! Sometimes dreams can take over our lives and we end up living more in dreams than in reality!
Ive always been a big dreamer and I love it…the other night I set the intention that I wanted to have a really cool dream and man did i…i dreamt of both of my grandparents one after the other and got a chance to tell them how much I love and miss them…it was beautiful and I woke with tears running down my cheeks.
A neck tattoo would really suit you. It would also complement the inking on your arm.
Thanks Love and Light from Sweden 💛💙💛💙💛💙
Both my parents are dead, my father comes to me in dreams looking for my mother. My mother is looking for my father, I know where both of them are when I try to get them back together my mom hides. Very frustrating recurring dream.
What is this speaker's name?
More Truth and much less makeup and model ….. You are the STUPIDS.
I had apocalyptic dreams when I was a child.. volcanoes erupting everywhere, tornadoes and hurricane appear out of nowhere and then zero gravity.
We're about to blow up our planet and float off…
Gosh, I Would Love To Be Taught By Her. Just to meet her and possibly talk with her. To help me see what I'm doing wrong 🤷♀️ makes my heart skip a beat thinking about "if".
Throughout my life i have had many dreams about UFO invasions and ETs. It is definitely the most common theme in my dreams (although i haven't had one in a while). The dreams have been different every time – different circumstances, feelings and images, not usually recurring. There was one i had several years ago that really stands out to me because it was so blatantly symbolic. Still don't know exactly what it meant, though or why I dreamed it. Here's what happened: I was in the backyard of my childhood home when i noticed a hollow, neon green lit triangle hovering high in the sky. I began to levitate toward it and i tried to grab things like tree branches that were attached to the ground to keep myself from going up. Somehow i made it back inside my home by grabbing onto things. I was in the upstairs bathroom, you could see the triangle through the window. Then my dad was there (can't remember if I'd called for him or not). I explained what was happening, crying. He told me essentially he could freeze time for me for a moment but he couldn't keep me from levitating toward the spacecraft/triangle. Ultimately he let me go and i woke up. My dreams are usually either chaotic and nonsensical or very deep / movie-like as this one. Any ideas as to what it could mean (if my dad doesn't actually represent 'my dad')?
This night I also have a good one. There is this cyclyst almost bumping on me and hits my chest, afterwards he just drives on. But later he bycycles back to me to show empathy, and apologizes and asks for forgiveness. Then I wake up.
So the message could be (surely) about being kind towards another. And if you hurt someone, but not intentionally, you show empathy instead of sticking your head in the sand. If any of you sees another message in this dream, post it in the comments.
I don't dream, so what other mularkey ya got?
I have Reactive Attachment Disorder. I don't dream. Most of my sleeping life has been nightmare after nightmare, to the point that these nightmares no longer scare me. Instead I have become one with the nightmare.
The nightmare that is existence itself.
😳 Wow!! There are no coincidences. I have the Spiritual Gift of Prophecy, always had it since Childhood. As well as Mediumship, etc… 🕯❤🙏📿 🦉🔮🦋💛🦁
She talks so nice and is so beautiful and i was so focus on whats she was saying 🥰💕
I recently dreamt about an event where I walked into an alter surrounded by fiery circle and the black sun was above me and I meditated under it and the land around me rose to several heights. Does it represents the ending?