Eckhart Tolle on the refugee crisis in Europe.

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By approaching the situation with both compassion and wisdom, Europe could demonstrate it’s evolved state of consciousness.


User58747 says:

Only when the 'ideological borders' set-up by Islam are taken down, can the world ever hope to have peace.

sanekabc says:

Being in the now or enlightened does not make you omniscient. No laws someday? What about rules, which are similar to laws but not as strong. Will we have rules? Or will people automatically know the safest way to drive because they are enlightened?

johnnyontube says:

This sort of advice is not helpful at all. It is sort of reinstating what we already know but most of us know that this in itself is not enough to create the necessary changes. I see this advice similar to when adults tell children that if they just get along with each other and be nice all will be well. It is a truth but only a fraction of the truth. It seems a very easy means of avoiding (not necessarily purposely) an explanation or thinking deeply about the issue.

Dav “Aldebaran” Mac says:

Is like trying to save somebody in the water, not knowing how to swim terrorize people, with the risk to drag the rescuer under as well. 3 choices are possible, ask to relax and trust you, let them drink some water then when they have less energy do the rescue or knock them out unconscious and do the rescue. The swimming pool is their country we have to knock them back and teach them how to swim, it shouldn't be that hard if we don't panic. Sweet 😃
P.S. Lets not forget that we dealing also with a small minority of psychos agitating the waters to consolidate more profits.

2Truth2you says:

Shill deluxe!

Christophe Roland says:

Oh… I'm disappointed but I expected this kind of gentle answer from Eckart Tolle.
I live in France and I would like to answer to Eckart that many people here feel that "our very survival is in the balance".
We are not ready for this kind of complete mix of populations and I'm afraid it will end in civils wars everywhere in Europe.
I had to flee from the city I lived in for 9 years, because there was more and more foreigners coming in, more like economic predators than something else, but our economy is not strong now.
When I was the last french left in my building and when my door entrance got attacked twice I finally decided to flee in the middle of the campaign, with my cats, living now away from this magma of freshly arrived people from everywhere.
No Eckart, I don't think it's only a matter of compassion, it's rather a matter of spreading civilisation, education, material comfort and other virtues in every countries.
The good must spread inside civilisations of every countries : asking to a few countries in Europe to welcome these huge quantities of foreigners is hardly a form of evolution, in my opinion, it's a long term suicide.

Lenjoable says:

Wisdom teaches that the world of duality offers in contrary to a mass of compassionate humans a minority of elite, but still widely unrecognized psychopaths at its top. A raising consciousness also requires emancipation from the blind believe these parental figures try their best for their kids, whereas the migration and terror desaster is their totally aware will and aim. Waking up is not comfy and sometimes requires a keen mind, too.

world peace says:

We must simply do what is right. And if that actually means the collapse of our society then that is what must be. When it comes to a spiritual understanding any compromise would be complete failure. Its a lack of compassion that has created this situation. Let us get together and make demands on our governments. Its a problem of psychotic greed by individuals who rule over us.

lily says:

he is so right…. its not enough to be compassionate, you have use your head forces also when you deal with that kind of problem. What happens in some European countries is that they got so totally lost in their hearts that they forgot that they have heads…. I call it codependent compassion, sacrificing your own well being and safety for the sake of others, especially when others don't seem like reciprocating or giving back, they only want to take from us infidels.

A. Frahmand says:

No words

Ferdinand Alexander says:

For how many centuries have people been preaching ‘thou shall not kill’, “thou shall not steal”? For how many years have people been seeking and devising methods to deal with anger? Please, all these ideas, theories and methods that arise out of thought can never touch life. All people do is replace on belief with another. Thought is division. Thought is time. Thought is space. You as you know yourself are inseparable from thought. The more people try to resolve these issues the more they strengthen the thinking mechanism.

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