Deepak Chopra: Donald Trump Is “Beyond Hope” – CONAN on TBS

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Deepak wants to teach world leaders to meditate and learn mindfulness. But some people just can’t be taught.

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akshay rathore says:

why is this looney such a big deal in US?

Alexander Dimitrov says:

some of his points are stupid but Donald trump really is a fucking moron

The Contrarian says:

Enough is enough Conan, why do you keep inviting Deepak Chopra on the show?
Not only is he a terrible influence and a dreadful human being, but your audience clearly dislikes him.

peter henry says:

Deepak Chopra is a despicable racist. When he went on one of the genealogy shows he recounted one of his fondest stories. His father went to England to study and his mother told him make sure he got a Englishman to shine his shoes the first thing. So he took a picture of some poor Englishman shining his shoes to send back to his parents. A despicable racist conman = Deepak Chopra. His debates with Sam Harris or Richard Dawkins are classics in the genre of exposure of the conman.

Dee Siva says:

i wish we could get him to say this about islamic terrorism

Sivart Nosrettab says:

Fuck this guy. Trump 2016

killer3596 says:

I wish Conan wouldn't have this jackass scumbag on his show.

Rusty Shackleford says:

did he just say men were stronger than women?! what a misogynist!

Rusty Shackleford says:

we have reached quantum trump

SquishyBananaBread says:

So not only is Chopra a promoter of pseudoscience, he is also misandrist.



samyb786 says:

Donald trump is truly is beyond hope. True words from deepak

Fuck you google for forcing me to create this account says:

I want Deepak and Dr Phil to fight so rest of world can be amused.

WikeddTung says:

Why is Deepak sitting like that? Looks uncomfortable.

civleaderSoprano says:

Donald Trump is the best candidate America has. I hope Trump wins. But I realize that the next president will be beter than Obama. Since everything is beter than him.

LiquidPlays says:

I feel kind of sad if Conan actually believes his bullshit. Another self-righteous "guru" spewing "truths" while sitting on his throne built on lies.

Beal Wyene says:

I am not against any female becoming president, but HIS reasoning for why it is time for a Women to be one is quite disturbing. As he said"some people are beyond hope".

samsung_s.three says:

America is just waking up (or are they?) from the fact that they managed to put a black president on top, which happened 8 years ago. Give it another 20-30 years before the next big shocker, a female, becomes the chief of staff. One can only handle certain much between a short or no interval at all.

ch3573r90 says:

Wow, what a fucking idiot.

Florg McGlorpkin says:

fucking deepak

Van Rozay says:

maroon chopra on an island with trump: they both deserve it.

Gary Turbo says:

I trust him

Ashwin Gautam says:

Why does Conan have this guy on again and again. He's the only one too. Get your shit together Conan.

Ladyhawk Feathers-in-her-Hair says:

Wow, Deepak Chopra is finally right about something. Whoda thunk?

CraigRattleHead says:

this guy is a hack. why give him air time. nobody cares what he thinks.

John Smith says:

Kind of getting sick of the constant bashing on conservatives. We get it! Your writters are young It's getting old. Are liberals that scared of The Donald? We all know he is running as a joke. Stop beating a dead horse.

Also that turd's theory on male/female leaders is absolute dog shit. Maybe for bottom of the barel citizens, decades ago it might have been semi-legit (and even then, it's questionable), but when you're at the top and as much part of an elite, having a set of balls or not doesn't change shit. There are just too many advisors and interest groups pressuring them. It's not like THE PRESIDENT decides everything by him/herself. Don't be so naive.

Also, fucking douchebag, we don't live in huts anymore. It's not the year 12000 BC. You might wanna think about 'evolving' your mentality at some point.

ВАНЯ says:

as much as i like conan i cant tolarate him promoting chopra.
its sad

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