Stillness Speaks, Eckhart Tolle Latest Edition Audiobook

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Archon Timatron says:

Oh yeah, well spotted. It is indeed categorised as comedy. It's also quite comical how some people leap straight into defensive mode, rather than look at the screen and seek understanding with what Theresa said. Many people assume an insult where none exists. Let's pause and pursue connectedness, not react and feed fear.

Leo da Silva says:

Muito Obrigado!

Marie-Lucie Lamontagne says:

Deep gratitude! Some peace is coming back from my deep inner self. Thank you.

jason smallwood says:

just this moment as it is .

Jane Penzenyk says:

Thank you :)

Theresa Beerman says:

category: comedy lol :)

Steven Whatmough says:

Thank you

Roxanne Fennell says:

Thank you!

Alfonso Díaz Alcázar - Nino says:


Zaza Lg says:

the book is absolutely great as the essence of his spiritual teaching.


Thanks for the video!

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