Meeting Your Partner’s Needs in a Relationship

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blue says:

"If we don't get that money". This guy charges insane amounts of money for his classes. He's already wealthy but still charging people ridiculous fee's. Truly predictable and sad.

Carolyn Green says:

Love is not a trade

Who Cares says:

What are needs? Milton Erickson's needs?

Amanda The Traveling Realtor says:

This has been such an amazing week with you @tonyrobbins. It was great seeing how you and Sage communicate and thank you for inviting us into your personal lives. It was truly a magical week 🌺 Aloha 💕

Snehakant Kurale says:

Will do 👍

Shanalmas Shanalmas says:

Yes sir 🙏 sir you are great 💯👍

Editha Clark says:

In what way? How does one determine that?

Fur says:

Wow jus wow
"Love is not a trade" ❤

Buddhaneo Siddhananda says:

"By serving others our own highest needs are met…" Djwhal Khul

Danuta Janeczek says:

So true, Tony. The only one problem is that you are not on National TV and don't pound in people's heads . Thank you so much.❤❤

Winnerz Win 🥇 says:

Give first and then ask

Earn Cryptoz says:

Thank you for sharing

Rallo-D says:

Meet her needs, then educate her on MY needs. Got it!! 💪🏽💪🏽

Nicole C Sheffer says:

Thank you for the reminder ❤️🙏🏼❤️

Lisa Miller says:

My daughter meets ALL her boyfriends needs. He treats her terrible. She gives too much. Takes what you say too literally! And believes she loves him…

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