Eckhart Tolle – Create Space In Your Relationships

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Eckhart Tolle is a famous self help spiritual author. Eckhart Tolle has written the book The Power of Now. Eckhart Tolle teaches meditation, and talks a lot about the pain body and the ego. Eckhart Tolle also preaches being in the moment, something that can help better your life in every aspect, such as relationships with other people, and as a cure for all mental issues such as depression and anxiety. Eckhart Tolle has been interviewed by celebrities such as Oprah, teaching the general public to be present to the moment and let go of the ego and the pain body.


Natalie Smith says:

Thank you for sharing: )

Patricia Royce says:

This is the most profound Eckhart lecture I have listened to. Perhaps it was just exactly what I needed to hear. I'm just dumbfounded by it's truth and power. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, dear Eckhart

Pascal Peeters says:

the silence at the end of this teaching, made me think and be aware that i was thinking. but it didn't bother me. thank you !

johnyboy6405 says:

*audio only in title please and thanks for sharing.

TrippingTheTube says:

@9:26 What??? "the only thing that matters is…….????"

Beppo Battistini says:

 It´such easy Eckhart, I can easily keep all together, my 30 years engagement to know myself.
Es ist eine Zusammenfassung von Buddha Lehre, T.M., Zen Meditation, Karmische Weisheit, Psychologisches Wissen….. Danke Eckhart! Namaste!
Beppo Battistini aus Südtirol.

Michael Field says:

Are you looking new explanations of the truth? Read The Present at TruthContest♦Com

energyeternal says:

thank you for sharing! where is this from? is this part of a larger dialogue?

serendipidus says:

i really like my things and my dogs and my house though, 

Search Light says:

New Age Universal Religion
If you subscribe to this, you believe you are immortal having a human experience.  Comparison of Scripture and New Age:
Bible says, Jesus is the son of God.
New Age says, Jesus is one of the Masters.
Bible says, saved by grace.
New Age says, Achieve godhood through works.
Bible says, Jesus is the only way, salvation outside of oneself.
New Age says, Awake Christ consciousness within.
Bible says, Lucifer is the devil.
New Age says, Lucifer is the true son of God.
Bible says, worship God.
New Age says, worship Creation.
Bible says, man was created.
New Age says, physical man evolved, spiritual man has always existed.
Bible says, God is not part of creation, he is a personal God.
New Age says, God is part of creation (pantheism)
Bible says, teachings of resurrection.
New Age says, teachings of reincarnation.
Bible says, the word is truth.
New Age says, truth is within.
Bible says, Teaches us to wait for the second coming of Christ which WILL BE VISIBLE TO ALL. His coming in glory is the “blessed hope.”
New Age says, Waits for the Maitreya who will assist with the establishment of a one world government, monetary system and religion; visible to many, but not all. (exclusivity)
Bible says, turn from sin.
New Age says, turn from ignorance for there is no sin.
Bible says, become Christ-like through sanctification.
New Age says, discover your own divinity.

Jonathan Green says:

Wake up people, we need to realize the truth that unites us and we need to do it fast. Read The Present at TruthContest♦Com

Aaron Davison says:

What a great teacher. I was so moved by The Power of Now that I
wrote a song inspired by the book. Check it out on my channel and
let me know what you think!

Maria Juan says:

I was dying and a relative would come to my house to talk with my daughter about how to do their nails!  All I could think was, ok, these are the last words I am going to listen? ;)

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