Issue Preview – The Evolution of Awareness – A Conversation With Neal Donald Walsch Eckhart Tolle

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A moving dialogue on topics including Neale’s personal story, his creative process, the challenge of staying spiritually awake in daily living, and more.

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Flaming Freeman says:

dang i didn’t know these guys knew each other

Grace Flower says:

When Eckhart Tolle met Neale Donald Walsch

bassax7045 says:

neal donal walsh ,a live interview with god 😉
here the full

Kev May says:

When Eckhart Tolle met Neale Donald Walsch

richard jolley says:

if everyone really understood the incredible wonder of this moment they
would realize that “THIS” is what their looking for and they would be at
peace………….and within this peace is joy……….and within this joy
at the very center is love………….its the center of you……of
me……….of this moment…….timeless……eternal………….its
the majority of human suffering would vanish……………..peace :)

Steven Coppard says:

I think that was the single most important answer I have heard from Eckhart
Tolle and is something I will strive to bring into every moment of my

zatoichiable . says:

If awakening is really that easy we all became awaken. We perhaps neglected
to understand we rediscover our spirituality thru the GRACE of God and by
this thought we are forever … grateful.

jumperontheline says:

@Baseballguy5510 ‘ God/Christ ‘ is ‘ the light ‘ – not Christianity or any
other teaching. The only place you can experience ‘ him ‘ is within ‘ your
‘ self. The way to do this is by being present in the moment. This teaching
is being given to us in Love – by the One who is All. How could it be if it
were not by Divine Will ?

furetosan says:

Oh, boy. Does it sound weird when I say he ought to welcome suffering? Burn
it all.

drugstorerecords says:

Neale is an amazing human being. I don’t trust his every word, because he’s
as human as the rest of us, but I respect the shit out of him. He’s a
bridge-builder if there ever was one


Love it :O)


I love it!!!! the alarm clock to tell me that I lost the present moment.
What and idea!!!

Nick S says:

This is brilliant! Deeply enjoyable.

earthlyradiodotcom says:

@Baseballguy5510 You need to learn your own history, not the church’s
version of it..

Saquina Akanni says:

Ditto Neale Donald Walsch. I have observed this in myself with family.
Eckhart is absolutely right in that it is a practice and a process. As we
develop our ability to become an observer and witness of our thoughts,
attitudes, behavior and language, and cultivate our awareness of our state
of being we can see “how we are being” and interrupt and negative energy –
and the key how fast we can GET OFF IT after we become aware of the EGO
running us! Sending Love and Light ~Prosperity Doctor

justsayit2me says:

hahah he’s cute

goldenloretta08 says:

@Baseballguy5510 To me this is the basis of what Jesus taught, but we
(especially the disciples were not ready…did not have eyes to see nor
ears to hear) But we’re (humanity) getting there. As soon as we stop
gauging one thing “AGAINST” another…we can learn to put all the puzzle
pieces together and learn what Jesus taught…I (humanity) and the Father
(Spirit) are ONE!!!

Baseballguy5510 says:

Hopefully you will all soon see Christianity is the light. Not this.

nfcoard says:

You shouldn’t trust every word said by any person or thing exterior to
yourself. It is your soul, your higher self, communicating to you through
your intuition that you should trust. It communicates to you with a feeling
of rightness and love when you hear something that expresses the truth.

wongzoie says:

amazing !

Liz Torres says:

it was cut short 🙁

iluviel says:

it means that Neal is not just flattering him.

NoUseForAName06 says:

two of my favorite authors ever? I havent even watched it and I am sure its
going to be awesome 🙂

dtx2130 says:

Love this guys honesty…i can relate.

平山 翔樹 says:

what does “im not pumping sunshine into your ears” mean? anyone?

MsAscension1 says:

I think it would be a good idea if Neale read The Secret of Shambhalla, by
James Redfield:) it would do him the power of good x

johnnymoondog says:


Jean d'Arc says:

Or perhaps:also as holy as us and also a spirit still trapped in a process
of awareness. I am happy to see this movie as i was judging(topic of my
post on another movie) judgement in that movie. Hahaha an arrogant thing of
my ego.Thanks for that awareness,i am also happy to hear about the ego need
to be seen as that was what i meant in that other post.See it, except it
with love and light and you can unite,see the wonderfull lessons it has
given you.i’m back to practice now,need a lot to do.

yosyama tany says:

but it is possibly the content of your interacting with your friends and
relatives is conditioned so you can become conscious of those conditioned
relation, of what always is there in you about them, your opinions about
“relationship” or who are you trying to please. not that its wrong, but one
can become more attentive and when those conditions occur you don’t submit
to this, you freeze you wait and not follow thus honesty is silence.

KKOPPI says:


Ante Lauc says:

He lives it, i don’t! It is the way!

4568910dug says:


Jahseed Satori says:

we are all

chris hebard says:

One face of presence is honesty. Adyashanti once quoted a question and
answer of Nisargadatta: “Does the ego ever arise?”, he was asked. “Yes, of
course it does”, he responded, but, it is dropped the moment it is seen.”

Dave Lawson says:

Neil Donald Walsh, I loved you in the movie “Indigo”.

MsNamasteLight says:

~ Thank Y()U for this offering ~ Namaste’ Friend ~ Shared ~

Daniel Alexander Hill says:

Fabulous 🙂

Holistic Therapies says:

The openness and honesty between these 2 is so refreshing to listen to.
Thank you.

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