The Dedication to Truth No Matter What

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A clip from the April 2004 lecture, Emotions and Sensations.

Dr. Hawkins begins this wonderful lecture with a recapitulation of the purpose of all the lectures and his books. He shows the seriousness and dedication that it takes to transcend the ego. To be dedicated to the Truth at all costs
As he said,” On the calibrated levels of consciousness, Truth and God and Divinity are at the top of the chart; the ego is at the bottom of the chart.”
Full lecture through our streaming service:


@firmaforex says:

Dr Hawkins had a great idea in finding the most effective method to liberate people from suffering and pain. There are 1000 of methods to choose from but which one is the most effective is great knowledge, it will save you lifetimes of suffering. Great achievement by Dr Hawkins, thank you.

@alfreddifeo9642 says:


@RaiseTheWorldProjectNow says:


@BlueAlgon says:

Folks, let's remember that the Doc and us are one and the same. Let's be cautious of projecting awe and love and admiration when in fact "we" are it, as well. As not to create a rift, a duality.

@davidrahilly5015 says:

I had the most beautiful dream where I saw David by a beautiful tree in an open field, the tree was glistening with light as was he, to the point of almost not being solid but light. As I started walking to him, I was just my normal state of consciousness but as I got closer I remembered, I've been here before! But last time I came with a question.. "Is there ever a time to withhold love"?.. As I remembered that, and was getting closer to him maybe 20 feet, I started to feel an overwhelming sense of love ( unconditional, break you instantly love) I started crying with this overwhelming feeling and literally stumbled the last few steps to him not being able to hold myself up. I land with my head on his chest like it's your dad when your a kid. I say " Im sorry, I realise now there's is never a time to withhold love, he patted my head & said "it's OK, I know. Hard to find the right words to describe the gravity of the experience but it will be with me forever & hope to see him one day again in the field 💙

@leila8787 says:


@tarathreesix9327 says:

Where is the full talk, please? Thank you !

@gwenwade6059 says:

Thank you Susan.❤

@debbie4062 says:

Thank you Susan. Debbie

@mikebee6786 says:

3:09 Thanks Beforehand 😊🎉

@rickleitch1036 says:

Serving God or serving ego….most of us human beings do both. Probably Dr. Hawkins to. Wouldnt the many book signings he does be an example of ego driven movment?
I ask an open question

@guybrisebois7702 says:

Thank you for sharing ❤

@adamkrasowski says:

🙏❤ Trzymanie się wartości i zasad Mocy bez względu na wszystko !

@pedrozaragoza2253 says:

“Almighty and ever-living God: We ask to be Thy servant, O’Lord, and to be a vehicle of Divine Love, a channel of Thy Will. We ask for direction and Divine assistance, and we surrender all personal will through devotion to Thy Truth. We dedicate our life to Thy service. Help us to choose love and peace above all other options, and to surrender all of our judgements to Thee, that we might have unconditional love and compassion for all of life in all of its expressions and surrender our very life to Thee at all times in all places.
Gloria in Excelsis Deo, now and forever, Amen.” 🙏
Dr. David R. Hawkins

@reed574 says:

Forever grateful for you, Doc and you, Mrs. Hawkins💜

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