Eckhart Tolle author of THE POWER OF NOW explains the divine purpose of the Universe

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Eckhart Tolle author of THE POWER OF NOW explains how we are here both to be and to become in varying degrees on this short preview from Eckhart Tolle TV.

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Senior Pibb says:

Of the such of suchness is such.  Why do these New Agers always appear to be totally stoned out of their minds?  I think it would be more entertaining if he wore a pyramid hat, a crystal necklace and moved to Sedona, AZ.  What an absolute nut.  These nut jobs always show up from the remote corners of Europe with a dubious degree in "Human Potential." Better yet, they could move to Colorado, sell pot, and offer "spiritual counseling."  Oh ommmmmmmm, such is such, then such is such, become the such, ommmmmmmmmmm………………………………….

Bipolar Transition says:

so the universe doesn't know its own purpose its own existence but only tries to understand by asking conversing with us in a way.

HAV O'Rama says:

He blinks a lot. Like a politician. Or a snake.

Frankie Max says:

Stop right there…I thought I was going to listen to a man who has abandoned the same thoughts of other men and delighted in the non conformity of belief….,,he says were evolved from simplicity ten thousand years ago….hmm quite contradictory in my ears

gldesmarais9356 says:

“Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.” —1st John 4:1

K Simpson says:

Dollar Vigilante…you just lost me from your list; it is one thing to be on track with what is going on in society that the majority are simply missing for whatever reasons…and quite another when you start referring people to Eckhart Tolle…REALLY! This NEW AGE GARBAGE is doing no one any good and one of the biggest reasons the masses are missing the important things in life; reality and ABSOLUTE TRUTH is one thing, and Eckhart Tolle is quite another. Balance DOLLAR VIGILANTE is what you need, and not this Hokie-Pokie Hogwash.

rich lovato says:

3:073:14 shamanism. Eck Tolle you should take several years forward from now – to RE-consider the destination.

rich lovato says:

e m p t y n e s s, replaced by missing the target.

Robert Mitchell says:

He says "life 10'000 years ago was more basic… even with todays advancement in technology no one could create the complexity of the great pyramids… explain? life is devolving not evolving…we destroy the planet in doing everyday…I agree with the now but I disagree with that comment

Doglyvich says:

we a part of the universe not apart from it, humans are spearheading evolution

caradepollasucia says:

this mas looks yoda


Dr. Jack and Peter Thor chat about understanding consciousness for a better life..

Louise Miller says:

Ah…..Science of Mind and Transcendental Meditation. Excellent.

NightworldDesign says:

He lives in a mansion. Enough said about his "divine purpose".


The Power Of Now…is about each and every individual who is ready (conscious) for it.  Don't concern yourself about others…just yourself!  Happy thoughts!

I Am Sirius B says:

Greatest book ive ever read

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