A Conversation with Dr. David Hawkins Part III | Fresh P

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More important than flowers, chocolates and gifts is the ability to communicate effectively. Happy Valentine’s Day.

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For more info on Dr. David Hawkins: http://marriagerecoverycenter.com/
Dr. Hawkins’ YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/drdavidbhawkins
For Dr. David Hawkins books: http://goo.gl/5XDNKp

Elsium Long by iTunes Library


Goldstar 36 says:

Fresh, I re watched the Bon Bon Coco tape, and thought you should design you own clothing line. Where did you get this dress, or did you make it.

Peter Rule says:

It's not really possible to effectively deal with narcissistic behavior unless self is out of the picture entirely.  "Nothing but Christ as on we tread…"  Culture and philosophy are the embalming fluid that keep the old man from stinking, but he's still dead no matter how hard you try.  You can focus on correct behavior all you want, but then you'll be stuck in Romans 7 until you look for help outside of yourself.

BeeRich33 says:

I think vulnerability isn't associated with weakness for me.  It's not an ego thing.  My vulnerability is more along the lines of "I can't put up a presentation about being reasonable, in light of what they might say, even fully knowing they are wrong."  I guess that arrives at what I said in part 1, that avoidance/closure is an easy way out.

Zerkbern says:

I'm having a hell of a time watching these in order.  YT keeps wanting to show me just #III in this series…

Chip Wright says:

Good advice! So many problem can be avoided by having good communication skills. I liked what he said about the wife telling her hubby what would help correct the problem. Us guys are clueless may times and can use all of the help we can get. Leaving the cellphone off while on a dinner date should be a no brainer. I have seen young couples at restaurants many time both completely glued to their phones. Sad. 

elk hunter says:

Good series. I worship my wife of 33 years, but sometimes I don't understand her. She has a problem apologizing, always has, always will, apparently. Don't get me wrong, she is beautiful, and my absolute soul mate, and we love each other dearly. My thought is, always be quick to apologize, it costs nothing, and can prevent a lot of heart ache. If you hurt the one you love, even if you didn't mean to, a sincere apology works wonders. God bless.

Goldstar 36 says:

What a miracle and blessing to meet David. He makes personal responsibility and vulnerability so easy to access. Language is key, and is so worth learning. Thank You for this film. He offers the building blocks in the privacy of a couple relationship and even bigger how to make peace in this world. You found a Gold Mine, and this gentleman is so easy to reach, and talk to.

Joe Serrano says:

You're turning US all into Shiny, Happy People FRESH P!!!! 🙂

Michael W King says:

You are doing great work,at helping so many.
U da Women !

MollyDolly says:

Good stuff.

Mike Schotte says:

O.K., I'm laughing Corrin. You have me clicking the "thumbs-up" for cooking videos about vegetables I don't eat and relationship help videos for a relationship that I don't have.

Trying to imagine where this FreshP YT journey will lead me next. 🙂

Liwayputi says:

Great stuff!!!!! Thank you for sharing!!

Colin says:

That man is brilliant!

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