A Conversation With Neale Donald Walsch

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There are a lot of people in this world searching in many different places for many different things, all in the hope of finding themselves. To know yourself is to experience who you are. The only way you will find yourself is to connect with this moment and experience you in that content or if it works better for your way of thinking connect with you and experience the moment (its all the same thing). Everything that you know as your present moment experience is how you define you and your reality.
Tuning into the moment is not such a hard thing to do, the challenge is remaining there as all your inner voices tell you everything and remind you of everything that make you feel uncomfortable.
The ultimate question is what do you do if you don’t like your reality and the answer… make up a new one! It life such that you can just make up a new life story?

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Ferdi van Gurp says:

I have read his books and see no parallel with the one Holy word, that is the Bible. He speaks there are no 10 commandments, that forgiveness is replaced by understanding (so basicly we can sin and God will understand without the need of prayer) that there is no good and evil, just experience. He even claims that God does not want anything from us. By saying this he basicly denies sin and that Jesus died for nothing. God gave us his only son and sacrificed him to forgive us our sins. I say God want us to live in his grace and experience His Greatness in all that He created, to live by His rules, follow the word of God and receive the holy spirit. He says we are divine gods ourselves and even replaces in The Holy Father prayer the God by men. That we are the Kingdom and power until eternity (this is one of the last sentences of his 3the book). I mean…wow..thats pretty insane to make such a statement. We are children of God not God Himself.
He is quite good in sugarcoating critic questions, and make jokes (which is a smart way to get people to like you) but the more I hear the more I see through this new age mumbo jumbo speach that wants us unite from God away. In Jeremiah 14:14 God says to beware for false profits. Hope to all you find the real truth and teachings in the Bible.

cathy cheang says:

Very good interview! The host asked all the questions that viewers wanted to know at the moment!

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