A Journey of Thoughts with His Holiness The Dalai Lama

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A heart to heart conversation with the Tibetan spiritual leader – His Holiness The Dalai Lama. A Doordarshan exclusive…

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Beheading Buddha says:

I have the answers x

Jeffrey Baughman says:

The wisest man currently living.

heyhallelujah says:

Dalai Lama Fails to Become Reincarnated; Tibetans Now Led by Adult

Prediction when the DL dies. Because the Western intellectual world will
not agree with a child DL.

DL needs Western ignorance.

yeshi dorji says:

Excellent interview! teaching should be experienced and not merely read
about it and use it literally for the sake of argument without real
understanding. One who understands illuminates such light as his holiness

yxs19882828 says:

Dalai Lama is a JOKE..a puppet sucks his American daddy’s cock

heyhallelujah says:

Boring video

Felix Burke says:

He claims that he is a man of peace, but is he? Or is the Dalai Lama like
his predecessor, Jim Jones who also was venerated as a “holy man” and “man
of peace” until he poisoned all of his devotees in French Guyana. Recent
exposes by respected German magazines and Salon and other media, have
revealed a very different
person than the Dalai Lama pretends to be.’ Tibetans are far better off
under Chinese rule.

prithvi Chuhan says:

whatever the ancher dnt know what to ask and what knowledge bring out
through questions.

Michel Ketelaar says:

Let we talking about the JOURNEY OF THOUGHTS.

MisterHeizenberg says:

“his holiness”
I thought the purpose of Buddhism was non-attachment?

Ái Tuế Nguyễn says:


Subodhkumar Mangla-Narayan Phadke says:
Ju Gi says:

I am so grateful that there are many interviews with His Holiness and of
him publicly speaking. I attend temple but it is hard to get personal time
with the father and this is really wonderful. Thank you

tenzin kunsang says:

its true i always feel that india is our mother land and we are really
thankful and
great full of india and indian people 

Kelly M Taylor says:
Empathy brings peace says:

Great Interview. I would like to especially compliment the Interviewer. Sir
you conducted this interview so well, with no interruptions. I have never
seen such talent and grace on the part of interviewer.
Thank you and Bless your Heart.

Sandra Aguiar says:
marianne jordan labarca says:
Jared Kai says:

what is meditation?

inyourgenes says:

Lock yourself in a floatation tank (warm salty water for unaided buoyancy;
dark; sound-proofed) and can guarantee you will be “meditating” within 20
minutes. After 24 hours you will begin to lose the plot as sensory
deprivation turns your head into mush. Our brain likes a holiday (i.e.
meditation, sleep, day-dreaming) but only a short break….

kamalawhite says:

Meditation is sitting quietly, without moving, to allow your mind’s healing
qualities, clarity, wisdom and inner happiness to unfold as it’s not
distracted by outer stimuli. There are many good videos on this here on YT
– one of my favourites is Tan Dtoon – a young buddhist monk in Thailand,
he’s very refreshing


What if a monk commits self immolation due to a higher understanding of
self and a removal of all earthly fears? – a desperate cry for peace.

tribuana tapasudana says:

thanks for this sharing, one home share together for human, on earth.
Harmony and peace way by singing together in mind’s partition.

PN Kviit says:

The interviewer takes a subordinate position and flatters HHDL. HHDL has a
poor understanding of the teachings of the Buddha. He talks of “becoming” ,
his development. Buddha negated “becoming”. HHDL also talks of practice of
compassion…. this is something Buddha never approved of.

Peter Pan says:

meditation is the practice of relax and peace in oneself. the main point is
to feel peaceful and calm, which take practice!! if your starting or maybe
your busy you can start with 10 mins a day just sit down on the floor or
bed make yourself comfy, then relax your body and DONT THINK. is healthy
mentally and psycally as well.

inyourgenes says:

How does one become the spiritual leader of a group of people? Voted into
this position? Chosen by a committee/single person? Divine calling? (by a
god(s)?). I am just interested to know having seen the recent Pope voted in
by his religious friends/colleagues.

damx damx says:

HHDL should be given Bharat Ratna

Robin Ng says:

he is so peaceful and knowing yet so humble.

bezale says:

HHDL probably never got the right books or youtube videos. He probably
hasn’t given it much thought. “Compassion is that which makes the heart of
the good move at the pain of others. It crushes and destroys the pain of
others; thus, it is called compassion. It is called compassion because it
shelters and embraces the distressed”. – The Buddha

damx damx says:

good interview…

Ordeon abucco says:

A great spiritual Master has a great sense of humor about life. Bless H.H.

MusicArcade says:

“Practice compassion to overcome cruelty. Compassion has the capacity to
remove the suffering of others without expecting anything in return.” –
Buddha speaking to his son Rahula.

J.V. Swailes. says:

In awe. How is he able to have so much understanding about so many
things…SO many SERIOUS things, and yet he has a wonderful sense of
humour. he puts most attitudes to shame….

Tenzin Chemi says:

he’s a human being promoting humanity across the world, religious harmony
and then promoting human rights exploitation in Tibet,

Yazhou meng says:

A Buddhist monk cannot commit self-immolation. A Buddhist monk cannot
encourage self-immolation. Self-immolation is not equal to the practice of
non-violence. Dalai already burned more than 100 Buddhas. You people are
devils, you people are worshipers of Satan.

Nyima Nyim says:

Thank u for this upload. Long life his holiness !!!

Kiedis Anthony says:

I’m very impressed about the difference of appearance and reality.

Ming Chen says:

Provide ANY evidence that the Dalai Lama has encouraged or incited
self-immolation. As the evidence that the CCP occupation of Tibet has
catalyzed such events is self-evident.

Peter Pan says:

are you a chrstiain.. cos you sound like one

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