A peek into Metta Practice with Sharon Salzberg – From Ram Dass' Yoga of Heartfulness Course

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Sharon shares the phrases of a metta meditation: “May I be safe, may I be happy, may I be healthy, may I live with ease”. Join us we delve deeper into Ram Dass’ Yoga of Heartfulness. A 4-week course on loving ourselves and loving the unlovable. 10 hour of talks and live community calls twice weekly.

Learn more about the Heartfulness Course here: https://www.ramdass.org/heart/

Do you long for a felt sense of connection to something greater, but struggle to build a daily habit?
If so, you are not alone.
The news, social media and public discourse is full of fear and uncertainty, catapulting us into isolation, judgment and divisiveness.
Ram Dass tells us the remedy is simple.
It’s not mindfulness…

It’s heartfulness.

Heartfulness is the Bhakti Yoga practice to cultivate, nourish and uplift the incredible force inside of you, called loving awareness.

And once you learn how to encourage heartfulness inside yourself, you’ll be armed with a tool that will provide for you a direct connection to all beings; a way to settle into equanimity, as steady as an old redwood, with your heart wide-open.

In this 4-week course, you will follow Ram Dass’ example of employing wisdom and experiences from Bhakti, secular, and interspiritual traditions that can uplift your heart’s ability to include all of life without succumbing to despondency, apathy, or anger.

You will learn…
-To work with outdated beliefs and patterns that keep us limited and stuck in suffering
-How to develop deep abiding compassion for both self and others, which brings more flow, ease, lightness, and peace
-The keys to nourishing a sense of heartfelt joy in unsettling times
-How to navigate difficult emotions and people without bypassing
-Ram Dass’ practices for coming into and living from “loving awareness”
-How to make a positive impact on the world with your words and actions
-The self-communicative properties of love that changed Ram Dass’ life, and have the ability to impact your life, the lives of others, and the collective

Get 5 Free Downloads when you sign up for Ram Dass’ Yoga of Heartfulness Course. Overcoming our Fear of Opening to Love PDF, 2 Ram Dass Video Meditations, and 2 Ram Dass Audio Meditations. Register here: https://www.ramdass.org/heart/

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Emily Dickinson says:

Amen to that

Nature Lover says:

may I have a quiet peaceful home after 40 years of waiting for it

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