A wonderful 25 minutes interview with His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama.

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Chinese people are in need of the “peace, compassion and non-violence” advocated by Tibetan Buddhist culture, the Himalayan region’s exiled spiritual leader has said in a wide-ranging interview with FRANCE 24.

The 79-year-old Nobel Peace Prize-winner stressed the importance of preserving Tibetan culture, pointing to the “gap between rich and poor in China” and the country’s “immense corruption”.

China’s Communist regime invaded Tibet in 1950. Today, many Tibetans feel their Buddhist culture risks being wiped out by Chinese rule and an influx of settlers from the majority Han ethnic group.

The Dalai Lama fled to neighbouring India in 1959 after Chinese troops crushed an attempted uprising in Tibet. He has never been allowed back.

Chinese officials view him as a “separatist”, though he says he only wants autonomy for the region.

In the interview aired on Wednesday, the exiled spiritual leader suggested hardliners in Beijing were holding President Xi Jinping back from granting genuine autonomy to the Himalayan region.

The Dalai Lama said he had been encouraged by Xi’s recent comments on the importance of Buddhism in Chinese culture. “This is something very unusual,” he said. “A communist, usually, we consider atheist.”

Asked if the remarks led him to believe Xi was ready to discuss calls for genuine autonomy, the spiritual leader said he thought there were “some indications”.

“But at the same time, among the establishment, there is a lot of hardliner thinking still there. So he himself sometimes finds it’s a difficult situation,” the Dalai Lama said.

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MissingVoices77 says:

Chinese people are in need of the “peace, compassion and non-violence”
advocated by Tibetan Buddhist culture, the Himalayan region’s exiled
spiritual leader has said in a wide-ranging interview with FRANCE 24.

The 79-year-old Nobel Peace Prize-winner stressed the importance of
preserving Tibetan culture, pointing to the “gap between rich and poor in
China” and the country’s “immense corruption”.

China’s Communist regime invaded Tibet in 1950. Today, many Tibetans feel
their Buddhist culture risks being wiped out by Chinese rule and an influx
of settlers from the majority Han ethnic group.

The Dalai Lama fled to neighbouring India in 1959 after Chinese troops
crushed an attempted uprising in Tibet. He has never been allowed back.

Chinese officials view him as a “separatist”, though he says he only wants
autonomy for the region.

In the interview aired on Wednesday, the exiled spiritual leader suggested
hardliners in Beijing were holding President Xi Jinping back from granting
genuine autonomy to the Himalayan region.

The Dalai Lama said he had been encouraged by Xi’s recent comments on the
importance of Buddhism in Chinese culture. “This is something very
unusual,” he said. “A communist, usually, we consider atheist.”

Asked if the remarks led him to believe Xi was ready to discuss calls for
genuine autonomy, the spiritual leader said he thought there were “some

“But at the same time, among the establishment, there is a lot of hardliner
thinking still there. So he himself sometimes finds it’s a difficult
situation,” the Dalai Lama said.

Billy Barton says:

His Holiness? More like his Ass Holiness!

Luis Casillas says:

Gotta hand it to his holiness this interviewer keeps trying to get him to
talk bad about others and he kept his composure and refused. Very

Crosby4hyg says:

I love the way the Dalai Lama responds to some of these loaded questions.
The interviewer is trying very hard to get him to denounce China and their
ways of oppression, but instead is met with a very benevolent and kind
response every time. The Dalai Lama is a rare example of someone who lives
every moment in a present state of mind. He doesn’t hold onto excess
negative emotion from past or potential future events. The world needs more
people like him.

tenzin lhanzey says:

A wonderful 25 minutes interview with His Holines…:

lin hai says:

I’ve been to Tibet every summer for the past 30 years. It’s a great place.
They are far more free than us on the outer, inner and secret levels.
Tibetans in Tibet aren’t consumed with jealousy and hatred like the ones in
India and the West are. You want to see destruction of culture just go see
the American Indians. If you want to see preserved Tibetan culture, just go
to Tibet. You’ve got to go to know! Don’t believe the propaganda, just
follow your heart!

Good karma builds temples, bad karma destroys them. What kind of karma are
you creating? Everything is self perfected through the nature of wisdom.
May all Tibetans in the West realize this! Everything is perfect just as it
is, nothing to add, nothing to take away. May you find the peace of mind
free from all animosity, just like the glorious Lotus Born Guru!

If exiled Tibetans are so worried about Human Rights how come they don’t
protest the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya etc…. 

wang tie says:


lisa steinberg says:

No matter what anyone says about him, there is no denying that he is making
the world a better place by teaching human beings to be more rational and
compassionate. There is need more people like him on this earth. 

Himalaya Princes says:

If you guys know the fact and the histories of the World there has always
been that many countries used be invaded by anothers, it’s the normal the
circumstances in a moment which could be happened to any countries and
governments, it’s true the whole World knows very clearly Tibet was a great
and country with its independent Nation, but was invaded by China’s Mao
Zetun party in between 1949 to 1950s, it’s just few decades Tibet has been
occupied by Chinese communist Party, in many ways it’s truly sad and
harmful for Tibetans losing their own country, but in other hand Tibet
always belong to Tibetans who should be struggled for their freedom to get
back their country, so in the histories of the world every country has its
painful stories,
just the way every independent country has its painful history and every
lost country has its successful stories ! Which I mean Tibet still has the
future for a right time in right moment ! 

The Property Shop says:

In response to a reply from Pengyau …globalization is the problem. China
is the #1 nation trashing our planet. Buy Made in America only products. Go

wang tie says:


Bhu sonam says:

Long Live H.H The Dalai Lama.

baby metal says:


保導連盟事件(1950年Bodo League massacre/보도연맹 사건)


李承晩(Syngman Rhee/리승만)は保導連盟事件を起こし、



Bodo League massacre (1950/보도연맹 사건)
Max 1.2 million of Korean people were killed by Korean.
This numbers of 1.2 million are so huge.
Surprisingly, Most Korean do not know this huge incident.
This huge massacre is completely hidden in Korea.
Koreans say that Japanese had act of atrocious cruelty in Korea.
Or Koreans tell a lie that Japanese took forcibly 200,000 of Korean women.

However, Korean has imagine it the atrocities to Japan that Korean has done
by own in Bodo League massacre.

Syngman Rhee (리승만) commited Bodo League massacre,
he began strong anti-Japanese education in order to look away from the
anger of the people.
And Bodo League massacre was completely hidden even now.
Koreans criticize the Japanese, instead of Koreans criticize themselves.
Nobody knows this huge massacre in Korea even now.
I can not believe that Nobody knows in Korea, but it is fact.

Chinese and South Korean have the exact same behavior.
Chinese are using the “Nanjing incident”(300,000 dead/fake number) to hide
the Cultural Revolution(20 million – 50 million dead) or Tiananmen
Massacre(unknown/cause it is hidden by China Gov).
Koreans are using the “Comfort women”(200,000 dead/fake) to hide the Bodo
League massacre(600,000 – 1.2 million dead) or Jeju massacre(60,000 dead).
In case of to compare to numbers,
Where should turn the subject of anger?
it is very clear.
However, Korean/Chinese enthusiastic criticize Japan.
They lose their cool.
This is just the result of anti-Japanese brainwashing education.
This two countries exactly the same on that point to use very strong
anti-Japanese in order to avert from the anger of the people.



Peter Terpstra says:

In the land encircled by snow mountains
You are the source of all happiness and good;
All-powerful Chenrezig, Tenzin Gyatso,
Please remain until samsara ends.

baby metal says:


保導連盟事件(1950年Bodo League massacre/보도연맹 사건)


李承晩(Syngman Rhee/리승만)は保導連盟事件を起こし、



Bodo League massacre (1950/보도연맹 사건)
Max 1.2 million of Korean people were killed by Korean.
This numbers of 1.2 million are so huge.
Surprisingly, Most Korean do not know this huge incident.
This huge massacre is completely hidden in Korea.
Koreans say that Japanese had act of atrocious cruelty in Korea.
Or Koreans tell a lie that Japanese took forcibly 200,000 of Korean women.

However, Korean has imagine it the atrocities to Japan that Korean has done
by own in Bodo League massacre.

Syngman Rhee (리승만) commited Bodo League massacre,
he began strong anti-Japanese education in order to look away from the
anger of the people.
And Bodo League massacre was completely hidden even now.
Koreans criticize the Japanese, instead of Koreans criticize themselves.
Nobody knows this huge massacre in Korea even now.
I can not believe that Nobody knows in Korea, but it is fact.

Chinese and South Korean have the exact same behavior.
Chinese are using the “Nanjing incident”(300,000 dead/fake number) to hide
the Cultural Revolution(20 million – 50 million dead) or Tiananmen
Massacre(unknown/cause it is hidden by China Gov).
Koreans are using the “Comfort women”(200,000 dead/fake) to hide the Bodo
League massacre(600,000 – 1.2 million dead) or Jeju massacre(60,000 dead).
In case of to compare to numbers,
Where should turn the subject of anger?
it is very clear.
However, Korean/Chinese enthusiastic criticize Japan.
They lose their cool.
This is just the result of anti-Japanese brainwashing education.
This two countries exactly the same on that point to use very strong
anti-Japanese in order to avert from the anger of the people.



MissingVoices77 says:
Ngawnag Lodoe says:
Raju Tashi says:

Lin Hai, no wonder what you said. Every invader says I did not invade.
Every thief says I did not steal. Every dictator says I am peaceful. Every
foreigner says I belong here. Every liar says I am right. Every Communist
says Tibetans are happy. Tibet belongs to tibetans and it not the matter of
happy or suffering. All Chinese should leave Tibet and let Tibetans own
Tibet. China and Tibet are always separate nations. It is the matter of
time and chance. We will take full revenge when time ripe. Our friends are
only real Buddhist Chinese and rest all are enemy.

Earl Guyton says:

Why do you silly people put that silly old man on a pedestal? What people
need to do is look at any human and disregard their title which would apply
to scientist doctors or any label. That old guy is your basic common older
man. I met a handful when I lived in the country as a teen that talk the
same and have same type philosophy and beliefs which some are good! But
are generally common. That old guy is your ordinary people. People
constantly search for the god like human in this life and aren’t going to
find this because all humans poop and wipe and get horny and we are EQUALS
meaning one isnt higher up. Such as the patient of a said psychiatrist is
also his her own psychiatrist as in the same. I hear all of the time
people say But my doctor says. Then you take you peoples Pope as another
example..That old man is a rich old creep that would sell your life for 10k
to a gypsy and have no remorse. Your creator is your GOD

The Property Shop says:

I am following his meditations techniques. Amazing.

Tenzin Nawang says:


shiva br says:

Humans have withstood natural calamities , aggressions by other Tribal
groups for acquisition of land , wealth , food and other valuables . Even
after thousands of years of birth of religions , ideologies of communism ,
democracy etcetra ….. Mentally hasn’t changed much . Each one is
responsible for our own thinking ….

Nyima Tsering says:

China invaded Tibet in 1949 before that no single chinese community in
whole Tibet but trust my words just go to Tibet survey chinese settlement
when & how got in Whole Tibet & actually chinese military reached first in
Tibet what that means?

The Property Shop says:

I try not to buy china made products even if I pay more $ for the

Priscilla Cook says:

The Pope won’t see HH the Dalai lama because the Catholics believe he is
evil. Hypocrisy!! 

Ngoc Thi Truong says:
Nyima Tsering says:

We tibetan love his holiness forever,no matter what dirty pet eater chinese
say about his holiness 

Mish Shoghlak says:

This man is not a holly neither a wise, But yes he is a kind old man with
simple primitive mind. But what is really rediculous is the western media
that call him “your holliness” on the same time they make ridicule of Jesus
and call prophet Muhammad pedophile!? The mind of you, How you judge??

Freezing PT says:

If you do your research you will find out about rapist monks and the fact
that this Dalai Lama works for the CIA. It’s not beatufiful as they seem to
show it.

lin hai says:

I’ve been to Tibet every summer for the past 30 years. It’s a great place.
They are far more free than us on the outer, inner and secret levels.
Tibetans in Tibet aren’t consumed with jealousy and hatred like the ones in
India and the West are. You want to see destruction of culture just go see
the American Indians. If you want to see preserved Tibetan culture, just go
to Tibet. You’ve got to go to know! Don’t believe the propaganda, just
follow your heart!

Good karma builds temples, bad karma destroys them. What kind of karma are
you creating? Everything is self perfected through the nature of wisdom.
May all Tibetans in the West realize this! Everything is perfect just as it
is, nothing to add, nothing to take away. May you find the peace of mind
free from all animosity, just like the glorious Lotus Born Guru!

If exiled Tibetans are so worried about Human Rights how come they don’t
protest the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya etc…. 

Geoffreynguyen911 says:

Of course, the West worry for their profits first. Even though human
rights are promoted, but nothing more important than profits. That is easy
to see why Dalai Lama has been denied by western governments for the
meetings. The Vatican have its own problems very seriously that is why the
Pope have “strange” behaviors after he takes over. Tibet does not belong
to China. China invaded Tibet and has taken over the country since.
Everybody in the world knows it. You cannot deny the fact. 

Bünyamin Taşdelen says:
J brogly.decap says:

fucking sophist and leader of a pedofile sect, just read what this monks do
to young monk trainees

Sami Gami says:

what a fucking retarded old man! 

قطر غاز says:

people through all the time will keep chasing true happiness and inner
peace through becoming a Buddhist or spiritual guy or start avoiding cities
and start living in a remote natural beautiful places or whatever but this
is not enough.
you can have Inner peace and true happiness even in New York city for
example, or in a prison or in a third world country or whatever. This is
only can be achieved by submitting yourself to the creator of inner peace
and true happiness, the creator of everything including you and the people
around you. your God and my God who is one, the creator of everything, have
sent prophets to the people to tell them to worship only him and neglect
whatever beside him but only few people are accepting this invitation. I’m
a Muslim and I remember one of the righteous Muslim talks, he was wearing a
very old clothes since he was poor, and he was having a hard piece of bread
and a water so he can put the bread into the water and start eating it
without giving him hard time. Then he said something which is very
important for you guys to understand. He said : “if the worldly kings know
about the true happiness and inner peace we have, they would fight us for
it with swords”

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