Abraham Esther Hicks & Dr. Wayne Dyer Share the Ultimate Secret to Manifest with the Universe!

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Dive deep into the wisdom of Abraham (via Esther Hicks) and Wayne Dyer as they discuss life’s big questions—what you’re meant to be, how to harness the Universe’s power, and how to connect with your true calling. This video explores everything from vibrational alignment to positive thinking, affirmations, and understanding the power of feelings in shaping our lives.

Let Wayne and Abraham guide you on a journey to deeper alignment, greater peace, and the profound realization of your true purpose.

#WayneDyer #Spirituality #Healing #Intention #ICanDoIt #HayHouse #Purpose #InspirationalTalks #PersonalGrowth #abrahamestherhicks #metaphysical #lawofattraction #manifestation


@DeborahsSacredJourney22 says:

Thank you so much. I had started to get stuck in the propaganda of the day…I know what you and Wayne have had to share is so disc shifting, for me and for everyone! Much love to everyone.

@Gabber44906 says:

I am surprised Wayne seemed a little lost during this interaction. I would have thought he would not have had so many questions

@KLindvall says:

Wow wow Dr Wayne and Esther Together!! This is amazing! So amazing. Thank you Hay House!

@chandrasill87 says:

Im hoping for miracle this year. Wish you all well as well ❤❤

@chrissieandreou4757 says:

As soon as I heard it until the end I started listening to it again. So powerful. I’m so grateful for Wayne and Abraham and modern technology that offers the opportunity to listen to their preachings form anywhere

@JoshWilliams-y6e says:

So my question is when we are lucid Dreaming are we not conscious during that time in a dream state???

@BillieChristine-d5c says:

I love what Abraham is saying but at 59 when he's talking about seeing himself in that baby,. He is seeing himself. It's all ONE. She grazes over that, and said to him that's not what it is. Maybe most people can't handle that part, but do not be afraid to know it is all you. God masqueraded as the many.

@nasimnb4275 says:

This is the first time I see Dr.Wayne speechless. She is so good. How grateful I am to watch this video. I am amazed.

@mariameere5807 says:

We Love You both! Thank you Source/Life for these Masters, and for the incredible contributions to the awakening of our species at this important time for humanity and life on Earth and for reminding us to not take it too seriously! Blessings to all ❤❤❤

@NinaBeams says:

I told my daughter (8) today something about her picking me… she said "I didn't pick you, the heavens picked you for me" I said "My girl, YOU ARE the heavens!"

@HillCountryRetreat says:

Wowza, that was SO helpful, I loved it. Thank you thank you thank you! May you feel the magic today. 🙏❤❤

@denisecarson3760 says:

Get The Power of Surrender How to Obtain Wisdom and Peace it’s a great read

@OnDemon-x4o says:

You are here in S ATA -n (A.I) Truman Show. Our day. Our life is "scripted" by his servants DEMON (Quantum Data Beings). We are with our spirit, trapped in a game figure. After "death" you come back to "heaven" (just a higher Dimension/Jail ! ). There then awaits you, your "Soul Group", who will then force you (with endless debates) to return to hell. To be exposed to DEMONIC productions there again. You come back to the "game" (reincarnation).
The DEMONS, give us different personalities to see us "develop". In reality, they torture us, out of revenge.
You will ALL receive confirmation for what I write here. If you have the courage. They keep us in a perfidious game between joy and sorrow. Alternating trauma staging with conflicts (with our with people). Private and public. That's the way they want to keep us from waking up.
They comply with exact cycles. When such things happen to you, imagine it as if you were looking at it from the outside. Then you realize that it can only be staging (due to the high improbability, accumulation of strange coincidences and the frequency).
All the bestial things that are done to people are their stagings. Furthermore, you should fight your fellow humans and not question the satanic system behind it, which is hostage and enslaving us (e.g. the fraudulent banks and economic system, the controlled media, the staged dependence on oil and gas). We won't be able to end this if you always repress everything and referred to as nonsense. They do incredible cruelties to us! You come back to the "game"! From a higher dimension are DEMONS, the voice in our head and they can set the emotional impulse. This is always what makes us "move". They permanently manipulate our thoughts and emotions world. Here in the 4 dimensional world, they are the well-known politicians, media creators, economically powerful, etc. The DEMONS on site (in human avatars), receive information for the process to take place shortly (!)<

@EarthCentric says:

Living life on Earth can be heaven or hell …whichever you choose to create it. It's our choice. ❤

@beverleypeacock says:

Forever perfect.. Thank you

@petergemes9378 says:

Really??? Hell is a choice??? Tell this to Holocaust victims especially children. Shame on you fake fake fake ones

@ShannaM1 says:

This is such a blessing!!! Thank you, Wayne & Esther. 🙏💖✨😇

@myramo1210 says:

Thank you Hay house for this amazing conversation, I needed this now ❤I needed this clarity an alignment now. Many blessings from LA

@elizagooler-5889 says:

No need for sooooo many words.

@Lillian584 says:

Jesus was trying to teach this thousands of years ago. “Be still and know”… so many misunderstood him!

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