Addictions | Ram Dass Q&A

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Ram Dass discusses addiction in relation to God, power, and separateness.


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Colettes Intuatives says:

Very true! In AA but trying not to replace meetings as new addiction

JayDwain says:

Link to the full talk/lecture anyone?

Ishay ישי says:

I think Sanskrit is a better drug to learn

Chandrakumar nongthombam says:


Ruby🌹 says:

Very true, love how he explains everything in such profound ways Pure genius ❤️

Ben R says:

Interesting little speech! Thanks for uploading this. I'm a recovered crystal meth addict and I'm a member of both AA and NA. The challenge with the program and the steps is that we have to continue on living after we get clean. If the meetings are my only source of "home" in the world then the rest of my life is gonna seem a bit weird and maybe empty. It's totally ok to use the program as a safety net at first but we have to continue growing otherwise we stagnate. By focusing on prayer and meditation and being of service to others I automatically come into contact with a higher state of awareness which means I get to feel at home everywhere. AA is a community, not a surrogate family, though it can become that for some people in some cases. The whole point of the steps is to get us out of that mental-emotional ego and into a state of inner freedom so we can help teach others how to do the same. It's really no different than many other spiritual communities, however because there's so much dysfunction in the world of addiction, the message of spirituality and what it actually means to transcend ego-identification is often lost and dogma and closed-mindedness begin to rule. But life on earth is a trial everywhere. We can't expect perfection or even anything close to it for those who are not aware that they're not aware. My heart goes out to anyone who is suffering and stuck inside their suffering; holding on for dear life. Thank God for Ram Dass!! You've helped me and so many others. Peace.

Brian Smith energy 2 says:

Respect love and gratitude

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