Alchemy Radio 023 – Stuart Wilde – The Fringe Dwellers Guide (Part 1)

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This week is Part 1 of a two-part series live from Las Vegas in memory of Stuart Wilde who passed away on May 1st 2013. A great friend of Alchemy Radio, Stuart had been due to speak with John again on the show around this time.

Stuart was considered by many to be one of the greatest metaphysician in the world. In the last twelve years he had over 100,000 visions, which taught him a vast body of information not available elsewhere. Many of the most famous New Age, New Thought writers and teachers have privately studied with him, or they have been greatly influenced by his work.

In 2001, Wilde discovered the Morph phenomenon, a process by which physical reality goes transparent and soapy-looking and humans dematerialize. Watching the transcendental nature of Morph for eight years, he gradually wrote out in details the topography and exact nature of what is now known as the Aluna, Mirror-Worlds, sometimes referred to as the Spirit Worlds; much of that information has since been verified by many others, who have greatly added to his initial work.

In the 1980s, Wilde correctly described the etheric life-field around humans in precise detail. Previously, it was known only in vague terms in discussions about the human aura. Wilde wrote out the first of many precise and verifiable etheric exercises and sensations in his book The Quickening (Hay House 1995).
Over the last ten years, he published hundreds of his visions, many of which have now come to pass. He wrote twenty books, which have sold in the millions, and they have been translated into fifteen languages.

For more info:



turquoise7able says:

thank you Stuart you are really top man and I love you, We really need more like you on this earth to teach us what is really going on. Your knowledge inspires so much and your personality isĀ  so much fun. I just want to say that I admire you so much.

Sanna Lahti says:

Thank you! Detachment of what other people do is on the "worktable". Freedom feels nice!

FeMiNem says:

Stuart is much loved. Thank you for the opportunity to know your work and some of Stuart. Blessings to those who are carrying his stories still.

Roger Labbe says:

What a beautiful soul you were Stuart; thank-you for your teachings.

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