All is Happening 'In' and 'Of' Its Own by Divine Ordination…

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Dr. Hawkins continues to reveal to us that everything is happening through Divinity, not through the claims of the Ego.
A uplifting clip from October 2004 Witnessing and Observing.

To view all lectures by Dr. Hawkins, you can become a subscriber of our
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MrMoneyHelper says:

If everything is happening of its own, why teach the path to enlightenment? This essentially means that every ego is on a ride that it doesn't know about and believes it is in control. Thus, there is no need for lessons of any kind. There is no need to teach anything to anybody because everything is happening without the consent of any ego.

God is causing war and suffering. God is causing ALL CRIMES. Maybe it doesn't matter because God is the receiver of all of those things. This is true if we use his teachings and not logic.

Dr. H. has said that the ultimate goal is to get rid of the ego, the mind. Who is getting rid of the ego if there is no I there? Why is there a need to get rid of the ego if everything is happening of its own?

I don't care how high up on the scale he is, he is making no sense when he says these things. He is contradicting himself constantly on this matter.

Kim P. Matekovits says:

Holy are you.

Veronika Knapová says:

Thank You so much for sharing the immense infinite beauty and peace of the love and light once called Dr. David Hawkins says:

Does anyone have an idea of how I can translate these lectures? In my language, the videos were removed due to copyright issues. I'm learning English, but I really want to listen to the lectures and understand them well now. I already have all of Hawking's books.
there are no Polish subtitles on YouTube. Are there subtitles available on the website where you can purchase access to the materials?

Allan Ashby says:

Amen ❤🙏 Thank God for Doc 💛

Conner Lader says:

Would Veritas be willing to release his lectures without copyright?

Liam Walker says:

That Which I AM is the Limitless Field of Being-ness or is-ness❤

Pedro Zaragoza says:

“Almighty and ever-living God: We ask to be Thy servant, O’Lord, and to be a vehicle of Divine Love, a channel of Thy Will. We ask for direction and Divine assistance, and we surrender all personal will through devotion to Thy Truth. We dedicate our life to Thy service. Help us to choose love and peace above all other options, and to surrender all of our judgements to Thee, that we might have unconditional love and compassion for all of life in all of its expressions and surrender our very life to Thee at all times in all places.
Gloria in Excelsis Deo, now and forever, Amen.” 🙏
Dr. David R. Hawkins

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