An Evening with Matthew Fox – 21st Century Spirituality

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An evening with Matthew Fox discussing 21st Century Spirituality in the Cultivate Centre, Dublin (19/09/07). Produced by Eoin Campbell, (less)

Producer: Eoin Campbell

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Alex Mitchell says:

Looks like the same sort of manipulations that the TV "healers" use.

Lord Whitenorth says:

what the hell is this crap?

Jody Walker says:

Thank you so much for your commitment to revolutionizing the way we see ourselves in relation to all life. I strongly support liberation theology. Perhaps your excommunication was the best thing that could have happened, since you're now free to speak from your heart without having to check the hierarchy first before speaking.

Guitarpima says:

As I continue to listen, I still think the idea of religion is better off as philosophy but other than that, I agree with most of what you say. The concept of god is better off known as the miracle of life. There is no god and once we realize that, humanity can move on.

Guitarpima says:

Why don't you focus on the real problem. Moses said it himself, "(not exact) Those who stand with the lord, come here. Those who stand with the golden idol, stay there." You just don't get it. Capitalism is THE only religion. That's the second problem. Religion has been around for 10,000 years or so and ever 1,000 or 2,000 years someone changes it to suit the needs of the current society. Now we have you trying to combine Wiccan ideas into Christianity. Answer this. If Jesus did exist then why are there no accounts of him except in the bible? Humans have been keeping records far before Jesus was supposed to be around and yet, there is only the bible to mention him.

There is no treasure but the life we have been given by some miracle. I can admit that but I'm not so arrogant to think I have all the answers about anything other than the knowledge I possess. I won't invent knowledge. In other words, I know religion is nonsense. It is simply a culture we are subject to. Wisdom is moving religion to a more useful idea of philosophy. Religion is useless as religion. As philosophy, it will bring more understanding. You really are ignorant which why you are dangerous. You confuse wisdom with religion and it's religion that has devalued humanity and led humans to sleeping zombies following the religion of capitalism and ultimately, humanities downfall.

Guitarpima says:

It's incredibly hard to listen to this good bunch of crap. Good ideas but he's full of crap. He has no idea what he's talking about. He says we need to revamp education but in the next breath aims to make it worse. He is correct that we are spiritual beings but not because of some imaginary god, but because we can think and have morality.  He's also ignorant to think that humans can destroy the Earth. We can only cause our own extinction but even there, he seems to support those that wish to cause it. This person is dangerous because he keeps perpetuating the most awesome lie next to the US military industrial complex. The lie of religion. We are spiritual because we can love. Yes! it's that simple. We can love. Religion is the perpetuation of injustice. The Darfur war is about what all wars are about! Oil, natural gas and other resources. Just like the Middle East and BP and other corporations, they put certain people in power and those people turn out to be dictators. Horrible dictators at that. You are a great speaker Matthew Fox but your using your talent for desecration rather than creation. Education was dumbed down to make people stupid so religion could make a comeback.

Ros R says:

any chance you can correct the title (from 2st to 21st)?

Evolving Christian Faith Network says:

Enjoying listening to this in the background. 

Karen Evans says:


Sara Victoria says:

" 'Sustainability' is a 21st century word for, 'Justice.' " ~ Matthew Fox @FCSCreationSpir on 21st c #spirituality

Kathy Travis says:


piontl says:


Janet Archer says:

The Techno Cosmic Mass-wow!

Janet Archer says:

I'm glad you are an Anglican now and I have read many of your books, dear Matthew. AWE-ancestral wisdom education; creative brain, heart and mind, nature and people; The Cosmic Mass, celebrating mass through dance. Praying from the neck up in most church worship services is dull uninspiring–LOL! Wisdom tradition,ritual in worship, bringing young people into unity with our divine universe. God bless you, Cosmic Christ is calling, creating. We came into the world as an expression of divinity-WOW!

klausmkl says:

Satan speaks through this man

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