An Evening with Ram Dass | Part 2 of 5 Seva Foundation Benefit 1985

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An evening with Ram Dass in 1985 discusses the nature of suffering, compassion and the perfection of the universe. Ram Dass talks about his non-physical friend, Emanuel, who says that dying is like taking off a tight shoe. The body is just an incarnation. It’s not a big deal. Ram Dass was spending years putting down his physical body by getting high. Ram Dass asked Emanuel what his purpose was on earth. Emanuel said “Why don’t you try being human.” It is not an accident that we took human bodies. As long as we identify with just our body, we are nothing more than laws. Emanuel said, “Do you want to be the victim or the creator?” If you are the incarnation only, you are the victim. You didn’t ask for these things to happen to you. But if you flip to another level of consciousness, you begin to experience that which created your form. You are both the creator and the victim. The part of you who is not in it, appreciates the perfection, even of the suffering.

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MrIsaacE says:

correct order of these videos is 3, 2, 5, 4, 1

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