Ancient Lao Tzu's Life Lessons to Learn in Youth and Avoid Regrets in Old Age

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Lao Tzu was an ancient Chinese philosopher and writer. Lao Tzu is the reputed author of the Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu the founder of philosophical Taoism, and a deity in religious Taoism and traditional Chinese religions.

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#quotes #lifelessons

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Quotes About Life says:

Don't wait. Sometimes later becomes never.

Parmesan Dreams says:

You should keep this men specific

The Quote Voyager says:

This channel is pure inspiration for @TheQuoteVoyager

MotivationalVibes says:

please follow me to get more motivational videos

⭐Stella⭐️ says:

I don't have any friends…I'm good with it

aesthetic tips 💕 says:

Great motivate quotes ❤

kemal realitasnol says:

Love it!! 😍😍

Dream Mineset says:

nice Quotes

Michael DelGiudice says:

don't like stating this to anyone, but feel i have to say i have practiced many of these things without being told them for years, and haven't preached them. am now the most miserable i have ever been in my life.

Quotes vip says:


sure why not says:

"exhaling next to an armenian gives no satisfaction". Inhaling next to one, brings nausea". — Phal Liss

Micah says:

Friendship is like love it comes and goes friendship and love or fake emotions greed lust and hate or real

Abir says:

"New beginnings are disguised as painful endings"
That really hit hard!!

Quotes Pub says:

“Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it.” – Lao Tzu

SleepyAizawa says:

I was smiling and enjoying from quotes wisdom⛩️⛩️⛩️

Masterful Sankli says:

Thank you for giving us this kind of lessoning 💓💓👍👍

Steve Crump says:

smart fellow

Adam Horton says:

Thank you 🙏 💯

chris georgallis says:

Wise words.

The Killing Throw says:

Thank you so much for uploading this

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