Awaken the Goddess Within with Neale Donald Walsch 2021

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Schamet Horsfield interviews Neale Donald Walsch (Author of Conversations with God) about his thoughts about the Goddess, the healing of the divine feminine and masculine, the awakening journey, and schamet asks Neale to share his feelings about where humanity is headed and what we can do to bring more peace and love to the world. Neale talks about how love and unity consciousness is imperative to the healing of humanity.This is only a teaser clip of this incredble interview. To watch the rest join the free summit here:

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Heidi Farstad Kvalheim says:

It’s so unbalanced in the world among gender- women are always put aside. Why haven’t he incorporated this in his speeches before? He always says “ he” about Good. Although I get his point.

Lisa Yunita says:

LIFE CHANGING conversations, excellent, wonderful

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