Awareness Without Thought | Eckhart Tolle Teachings

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In this in-depth talk, Eckhart discusses the awakening of consciousness as our common human destiny and the true measure of success in one’s lifetime.
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O Manase says:

Just listening to your talk gives the experience of meditation. Thank you master.

Anarely Reyes says:

Thank you. 🙏🏼 💖

Aida LJ says:

“There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so.” Shakespeare

Gisela R. says:

Vielen Dank, für das gute Video.
Manchmal würde man sich wünschen, das alles nur ein Traum wäre, dafür gibt es jedoch zu viele echte Gefühle.
Meine Fotos sind im übrigen immer echt, dafür sollte man sich eigentlich vorher vergewissern.🙏❤️🧚🏾

Nicola Carpenter says:

Appreciation Master Tolle 🌹 your books and teachings helped so much in the spiritual journey led me toward Sailor Bob adamson and the seeking is over🙏

Dawn Jackson says:

Thank You for posting Eckhart Tolle video 😊💜

Michael Kasum says:

Inlakesh ❤️🌞💫

f0rmi says:

”Thinking is only expression of consciousness” 🙏🏻

Kumar Dhyan says:

If I do dynamic (Osho Dynamic Meditation), which is a very powerful technique, then I can absolutely relate with what Eckart Tolle says here. Enchanced by Eckart Tolle's words, or by Osho's words, this sense of presence, this awareness without thoughts, this just being here-now becomes a reality. But if I don't do dynamic, or some other intense physical-cathartical technique, then Eckart Tolle's words or Osho's words or Buddha's words they remain just wonderful words, giving me glimpses that soon evaporate. These technique(s) help me tremendously to experience deeply and quite constantly what the Mystics are pointing at. Techniques are to be dropped, one day, but we are so full of pain that I can hardly believe one can have a real breakthrough without them but only by listening to words.

fabian saurer says:

thanks yoda

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