B.o.B. talks: Spirituality, Meditation, The Subconscious Mind & What we as humans should do

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http://3rdeyerap.com/ – reprogram your subconscious mind through music

Quotes, Project & Song Suggestions by B.o.B.:

The New Album “Ether” by B.o.B:

Remind: you do not have to agree with every point being made



Zen Mommy says:

Im sooo glad ur talking about meditation.

Sharon Purnell says:

too much vulgatity…good mesage

Victoria M says:

I couldn't even watch the whole video because the message was so abstract the images were powerful. You basically said you (audience) don't need anyone to do anything, but the images were confusing the fact what I was actually focused on. I couldn't determine if his message was to help or just to tell people that he did all that. Nice video though.

Demetrius Hinkle says:

This video straight love bro

Michael Angelo Garcia says:

Leading us away from Jesus Christ

Jaclyn Chasteen says:

Watch "Tell Em Who We Are (Everything) Ft 88 the Alien" on YouTube

Mark Anthony Thompson says:

This nigga bob is onnnnn

Xavier Chapman says:

✊ to you B O B. I love the work you do. One peace is the best peace. I'm learning daily but shit gets hard daily too. But keep put shit out and im going to listen.

Crissy Tina says:

“Unlock that muthafuckin’ kundalini” lol

Haley P says:

Great video.

Calvin McGee says:

All these things he speaks of are in the bible. Unfortunately preacher man's interpretation is literal instead of psychological. All things start with your imagination in your sub conscious mind and it manifest itself from the spirit world to the physical. Just as we as human beings were. Jesus spoke on using your third eye as well as using your power to be your own geni in a lamp through manifestation. But again they won't teach that in church. And their is scripture to prove this.

owen ahearn says:

All is here. But there is no room for ego in spirituality. There is no I. There's no black or white. There's nothing but the present moment and the divine that comes with it. We are all one, not individual. This "i" we play is just a thought. Identify with what we are through meditation, psychedelics, and just being present. But this new age thing where we smoke weed and talk about stuff and think a lot isn't spirituality, it's ego.

Eric Lewis says:

I am raising money for my beautiful sister Jessica Velazquez. who on April 15,2007 11 years ago was shot in the neck by her abusive ex boyfriend,that attempted to take her life. but as we all know that decision is only left up to the creator of the universe. Ive seen my sister through the ups and downs of this journey we call life and no matter hard the struggle, she has always remained posititive in everything she does. she went from being a victim to a survivor and then transformed into one of the strongest warriors I know. She is a great woman,great mother to her 2 kids. very independent which is why I want to help her raise money to get a handicap accessible van so she doesn't have to depend on anyone for rides to and from her appointment and to her children's activities. I just want to make life as normal as possible for her. if I had the money i would have just have bought the van for her myself, but unfortunately I don't. But I do know there is strength in numbers so i Am asking for everyones help, with what ever you can even if its just 1 dollar donation its one dollar closer to making my dream come true for my sister. I thank everyone in advance for your help.


You can create whatever you want to create.

Aariyah Symone says:

Anybody seen his ig lately 😳 they got him got his clone out now

Shane Howard says:

we all have to wake up and open ur mind we are gods and goddesses! hotep my brother spread the knowledge around the world to our bros and sis.. Ase! I'm in houston fwm 8324875042

Latoya Ackerson says:

People gotta Get out the matrix first , then they can find the inner

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