Be Here Now – Ram Dass

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Ram Dass (born Richard Alpert, April 6, 1931) is an American contemporary spiritual teacher and the author of the seminal 1971 book Be Here Now. He is known for his personal and professional associations with Timothy Leary at Harvard University in the early 1960s, for his travels to India and his relationship with the Hindu guru Neem Karoli Baba, and for founding the charitable organizations Seva Foundation and Hanuman Foundation. He continues to teach via his website.

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Thomas Meyer says:

this music helped me to bring me into the now. Thank you RAM DASS – Richard … Dankeschön! =) In Liebe Thomas

Paltiel Benyamin says:

Only cello music is allowed during the Baba's talks. Ram Dass plays cello now in his mortal mind. May he live to be 120!

Jess Eden says:

Beautiful. Thank you for uploading.

Keyser Soooze says:

Been looking for this one. My journey is about to end.. Find this very relaxing and loving. Thank you Ram Dass for all your teachings ❤️🙏

Linda C says:

music is distracting…

Kaye Lee says:

What is it with everyone putting music on Ram Dass's talks?!? Spare on us!

Ken Akey says:

I bought the book very shortly after it first arrived in Vancouver. The essence has not been lost. Initially I didn't believe that the process, once started never stops. In my case I know now that that statement is true. I took the hedonist approach…it turned out to be Zen in the path of skiing. Well that's all done now. Reality set in when I reached my mid fifties. My race car turned into a volkeswagan and the desire for that which I experienced  skiing almost painlessly faded. The process that began after reading Be Here Now never stopped even without my nurturing it. Namaste

ItsMyTime says:

Thank you trying to understand this

Raymond Cardella says:

I feel like this is Jor-El talking to me in the fortress of solitude

thedarkmoonman says:

This is Brilliant…

Jonathan Ferguson says:

What a load of crap. We need to plan for the future, not continue to be a bunch of selfish, cowardly, politically correct hedonists!

David Hoggan says:

Cough* ..bull shit ! * cough cough

Ali K says:

Im here.. im here

falundafa says:

Falun Dafa is a cultivation system in the Buddha School, saving people, that is based on the principles of the Universe:

真 Truthfulness
善 Compassion
忍 Forbearance

It teaches elevation of one's moral character. Since 1999 it has been brutally persecuted by the CCP in China. Good people are being tortured, raped, killed, force-fed, deprived of sleep and have organs harvested from simply because their spiritual belief. Millions practitioners were killed by the evil CCP.


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