“Be the Change” – His Holiness the Dalai Lama at Inverness, Scotland

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His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s public talk “Be the Change” given at the Eden Court Theatre in Inverness, Scotland, on June 23, 2012. Following the public talk there is a question and answer session. (www.dalailama.com)

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Judy Choosa says:

In the recent Garland Teachings to Korea he freely admitted he had not
attained to Emptiness and that one must follow the ancient texts on these
teachings and not the messenger / teacher. Look to the meaning and not the
words. Examine everything said. Use your mind and draw most on your
experience not the intellect.

long marb says:

I do not waste my time to listen,hear,read another people in negative
points. The thing that can provide me a lot of advantages is the theory
conscientiously true in positive way i cannot ignore.

Sodabun Big Big says:

ถ้าเป็นไปได้ UN ต้องเป็นเจ้าภาพ ส่งทหารสหประชาชาติเข้าไปคุ้มครอง
ทวงแผ่นดินคืนให้ชาวธิเบต ผู้รักสงบ
ช่วยแปลเป็นอังกฤษส่งสารให้ท่านเดินเกมนี้ดีกว่า ออ้ยเข้าปากช้างจีน
เนื้อเข้าปากหมาจีนมันยากที่จะคายครับท่าน ครับ 

tianba wang says:

Dalai lama became a communist leader after he met Mao. When China decided
to abolish slavery in Tibet. Dalai lama refused and flew to india with some
Tibetan who refused to change either.
The highest leader, Banchan Lama stayed and tried to stop Dalai.
Now Dalai give a speech to you “The change”
LOL. Why not call a joke? 

Geleck Gyaltsen says:

To those who criticize, people of your types will be always there for every
good people like His Holiness.People with right mind will never listen your
personal incompetence and hatred.Change must come from yourself first and
if you can’t then don’t criticize those who are helping.Get a life and
those Chinese who blame His Holiness using cloak of wolf in sheep
skin.First look at problems within your country and help instead of
standing behind tyranny.Make this world a better place.

Sodabun Big Big says:

ขอพระองค์สมเด็จ ทะไลลามะ ทรงพระเจริญ และทำงานกู้ชาติธิเบตให้พ้นอุ้งมือมาร
ชาติจีนคอมมิวนิสต์ชั่ว ด้วยเทอญ ขอพระองค์ทรงพระเจริญ

Sakann THOU says:

The Buddha bless you and all human.

Danilo Jose Canonizado says:

look into yourself outside the “box” then look at the opponent from inside
his or her box. no judgement no negative nor too positive only empathy
with respect and needed compassion is given, GOD SPEED

Laila Weick says:

wounderful Mind think and be Realex,…..thank you Namaste


Dalai Lama is Amazing. I’d like that he could back to his Country. 

Mele Ongolea says:

I agree with geleck!

greg howard says:

i’m a little confused, he is drinking bottled water, does he know how bad
that is to our earth and it’s people that are being displaced and killed
for bottled water? does he not know that they are taking what is freely
givin to us on earth and charging us for it when they have no right? also I
am a little confused because other monks have better answers that actually
pertain to the question than he does. some of his answers were the same for
different questions. Everything he said was good but still left out some
answers like how the young people can start the change that is needed. it
is simple answer, we must all come together is how. and what he said too,
losing anger and having inner peace. both ways we can start the change.

Brandon Da Silva says:

*To be fulfilled, you just have to see things like you are seeing them for
the first time. It is that simple, but you have to know it to do it. True
religion is real living.*

*Are you looking for true life and true truth? Want to know the ultimate
truth of life? Read “the present” for free at truthcontest◙com as soon as

Sangay Dradul says:

how we love your tradition and how you pay respect to our spiritual leader
His holiness…tear on my ..we are all brothers and sisters in this planet
… may all have peaceful life ahead ..

胡早早 says:

so many christians were listening a monk to say,are you afraid of going
to the hell?

CT2507 says:

pseudo spiritual babble.

eternalricemuncher says:

You teach the world is full of ghosts who are attacking you
Superstitious nonsense that is so untrue
To appease these ghosts you modify Buddhism
Not allowing monks to practice tradition

Your brothers endured so much hardship
To get their religious freedom back
Now in the Indian sanctuary they found
Their spiritual lives now you attack!!!

If you attack Tibetan monks spiritual lives
Are you truly holy & wise?
You tell them to abandon their holy masters
And take you as their new one & it’s a disaster

Tibetan people are holy
Their traditions are not to be destroyed
With modifying Buddhism you can toy
But don’t force it on authentic monks

You say you love Tibet
Yet the only Tibetans who could be free
Are suppressed by your rejection of traditions
The source of Tibet’s power & beauty

Everyone who doesn’t agree with you
Is Chinese regardless of skin colour
In Buddhist lectures you talk about China
Buddha did not teach on the topic of China

If instead of dedicating your life to China
And oppressing monks like the chinese did
Dedicate your life to protecting Buddhism
Like our Spiritual Guide Dorje Shugden did

Who arose when you tried to modify Buddhism
Who was the Dharma protector that stood up
To your incorrect decision making
The mark of a true spiritual father is he does not bow to the son

Your spiritual father did not bow to you
So now you reject him and ask others to do too
He stood strong & fast trying to teach
Not destroy the most beautiful nectar the world has ever seen

Dorje Shugden is protecting Buddhism from you
Who teaches that our spiritual masters were frauds
Who teaches that all other teachers are untrue
To be the sole master, and it’s a disaster!

nector Summer says:

Very down to earth, simple yet powerful words of kindness. Last part gave
me goose bump, felt connected. I actually clapped alone looking at the
computer screen lol! 

Count Sargimil says:

I had a very bad day today,not in a good mood for any reason, very
stressful and not keen on a day either but after watching this video and
listen to everything he said on his speech of encouragement to do good
things in life and how to respond to life in an appropriate manner,
responsibility to respect the life by self encouragement to approach the
life in a positive way and how to distance one self from the true
negativity also to bring the happiness through making a real examination to
welcome a peace into own life, family and society as a whole, also simple
afford to acquire a peace in the state of mind it’s all so powerful. This
is a great message from one normal human being to another normal human
being… and I myself as one of the normal human being out of the seven
billions normal human being out there in the world I find this message as a
touch of the Peace itself. To the end of the video, its finally relief
myself from unhappiness. I love Scotland as a country, Scottish as a people
I love the fact that you welcome HHDL with Joy especially the young
Scottish it was really wonderful. I also support the Tibetians struggles
for freedom
as I think every country in this world deserve the right for a self

IndiaRockLovers says:

i believe the world has lot to learn from the wisdom of dalai lama and
buddhism.The world be a lot better place if we do so.

Grace Karla Luehrs C says:
Jhon Wong says:

hero of Tibetan,I support you sincerely


very inspiring. my respect and much merits to HH Dalai lama the great
spiritual leader at this time. 

Keops Robi says:


David Finwall says:

Samsara, kamma and the dhamma are absolute. The Dhamma, the truth taught by
the Buddha, is uncovered gradually through sustained practice. The Buddha
made clear many times that Awakening does not occur like a bolt out of the
blue to the untrained and unprepared mind. Rather, it culminates as after
a long journey of many stages.
I encourage those with negative minds, posting here and elsewhere, take
the time to listen in the dhamma and develop a calm mind. His Holiness is
only one guide. Listen in silence to the dhamma and experience your own
moksha – then come again to these dialogues.

Brian J Monahan says:

The girl that introduces him is also wearing a nice Summer Dress so apt for
the occassion-

Andrew Hibberd says:

wow, how lucky are we? if only we can have a calm mind , How lucky in this
time we hve the 14th dalai lama , we dont have the second nor the tenth nor
do we share the 18th Dalai lama in this time we have his holliness the
fourteenth Dalai Lama
in five thousand years time you will have a dalai lama that suits your time
and your needs , believe or not believe we are the stock of the future as
are our sentient neighbours, in five thousand years time lets see the

DaLao LaMao says:

Yes, be change, But wait a minute, how long he has protesting changes in
Tibet, why he doesn’t want Tibetan to develop? already see how he lies huh?
the way to enlightentment is no lying. compassion is to save human
life instead of blaming other including communist! blaming is politics not
even what Buddha and Jesus taught!
before Buddha entered nirvana, he already knew that there will be
many demons wear cloak of monks to fool people.
a little kid with little Buddhism knowledge will know Dalai Lama is not a
real monk.

valkyrie701 says:

Yeah, rings true a lot of that…and SO CUTE at the end! so cute!

Ginette Dubois says:

His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama comes on this earth for every sentient
being. Many persons don’t speak English. A lot of people would like to
understand what His Holiness says and put it into practice. Thank you so
much to translate in other languages His Holiness teachings.

Victor Oesal Kunga says:

A Opportunity to Change.

bernard yeo says:

Ignorance, greed, hatred, jealousy & delusion cause suffering so please be
mindful of your opinion or remarks on the holiness. Be compassionate and
practice loving kindness and your Mind will be more peaceful and fill with

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