Beyond Religion – Awakening the Self

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His Holiness the Dalai Lama speaks on universal values to students at Salwan Public School in New Delhi, India on November 18, 2017.

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Youtube #TaekwondoTv says:

Such A Beautiful Celebration!

karma Choezom says:

Long life H.H Dalai lama.

John Sehlin says:


world peace says:

His holiness dalai lama. Most beautiful person in the world . So kind and compassion for humanity..

Igor Cirovic says:

hELLO TEACHER!!It is agreat honour to See you tonight from the Serbia!! It is a Serbian New Years eve in few hours! I would like to meet you in person. I admire youre wisdom and somehow are pats are gonna intersect. I would like to attend youre kind self in Tibet!! I'm a great and passionatte man in all i doo. With great admirattion for all youre past reinncarnations. Greetings from My Ortodox Familly in Serbia. I am listening to youre teachings every day and i would like to bond me and together and her sister Norahh and My future bride to be Natalija who is wery shy and beaytifull.Cencearly yours arch Igor Cirovic!!!

Patrick liberation jesus says:

wtf this guy director. everybody has its own seed it can not be activated by the dalai lama only by themselfs…. applaus pls …nice singing … 21:21 skip

Freddy Michalak says:

Done with Priesthood we need you back to Shao Lin. Train with Us. And No Talk Show. Hopefully see you At your best.

Viktor says:

Talk starts at 21:10

Benny Bourbon says:

Ich kenne nur einen der sich mit seiner eigenen Kraft aus dem Sumpf befreit hat, das war der Baron Münchhausen der sich am eigenen Haarschopf aus diesem Sumpf befreit hat. Ja eine nette Geschichte, aber Realitätsfremd und undurchführbar.
Das selbe gilt für alle die versuchen, sich selbst zu Erwecken oder auch in der Selbstverwirklichung ihr Heil zu suchen, es ist eine Illusion.
Aber die Menschen haben schon immer lieber mit Lügengeschichten befasst, als sich mit der Wahrheit.
Jesus Christus sagt etwas ganz anderes,
Johannes 14:6 Jesus sprach zu ihm: „Ich bin der Weg und die Wahrheit und das Leben. Niemand kommt zum Vater außer durch mich. 7 Wenn ihr mich erkannt hättet, würdet ihr auch meinen Vater erkannt haben; von nun an kennt ihr ihn und habt ihn gesehen.
1. 5:3 Denn darin besteht die Liebe zu Gott, daß wir seine Gebote halten; und seine Gebote sind nicht schwer, 4 denn alles, was aus Gott geboren worden ist, besiegt die Welt. Und das ist die Siegesmacht, die die Welt besiegt hat: unser Glaube, ja der wahre Christliche Glaube.

Ty Goodwin says:

Anyone know what song is playing at the beginning?

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great video what would dalai lama think of mgtow

RyuDarragh says:

There are people both deceased and alive that I admire, not because of what they are, but because of who they are. The Queen of England is an exemplary World Leader, for instance. But, the Dalai Lama is, to me, the exemplary Spiritual Leader. I hold no religious beliefs and do not believe in the supernatural at all, but I do believe in spirituality and compassion. It just needs no forces outside of the known to be made manifest. I try and follow HHDL's lead in this, but I do what I can for others anonymously. I am not a "leader of men", merely a mender of fences. Thank you, sir, for telling the world one does not need to be "religious" to be spiritual.

Adam Dreisler says:

Emaho! So kind, humble, sweet, funny and wise. The Living Buddha of our Times! The socalled leader of the free world, Devil Donald Trump has everything to learn from this wise man… Om mani padme hum ✨🙏✨❤️✨🎄✨

utubetruthteller utubetruthteller says:

There are drawbacks of Buddhism. Buddhism over emphasize that most people shall become monks that's why Buddhism vanished from India when Muslim invaded India they killed all Buddhist monks concentrated in monasteries.

Iulia Na Alexandrescu says:

Ne dati clasa, fratilor ! Sunteti mai idioti ca noi !

Me O says:

Namaste. Hinglish instead of Hindustani? Before you say English was the national lingu of India, there hasn't been an India in most our lifetimes.

Nanda Sarathy says:

I love his laugh. It never fails to make me laugh.

Romii Lama says:

So cute the welcome. Long live his holiness 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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