Big Om of Tibet – Monks chanting Om – Dalai Lama – Buddha

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Tibetan Monks chanting the Big Om of Tibet

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  • Categories: Dali Lama


Queen Dailey says:


An Dra says:

Wow, genau diesen Klang suche ich schon so lange =)

Buddha&Vape-Freak says:

just today, right now I pray for the terror victims in Germany on
19.12.2016. I pray for all Family members of the victims. I pray for
blessings and peace on our earth. we need to understand, we live
together and not side by side. and for the last terrorist attacks in
France and the whole world I pray especially for the innocent children
(it bring tears in my eyes) and for all victims of this senseless doing.
may the buddhas blessings shield all humans. peace and be well for all
of u

Captain Rad says:

may the deepness be with you my friends.

Dave Stokes says:

Anyone know where I can buy this specific version of the om mantra?

Jonathan Seale says:

I've been studying to this chant all day, and I'm buzzing from head to toe! Thanks for sharing!

Jonathan Seale says:

Well, the real estate class being advertised at the beginning HAS to be better than "Trump U"! LMFAO

Spooky Retrievers says:

Thanks for sharing this awesome video 😊

M Munroe says:

Powerfully calming and clearing. Beautifully peaceful. Exquisite reminder of our true nature. Thank you much.

Meir Nur-Bek says:

Көп-көп ракмет!
Kop-kop rakmet!

vijaykumar yadav says:

most powerful word

john b says:

thank you.. peace x

Maria Sarda says:

Thanks for posting. Namasté !

Luiz Carlos Pereira says:

best of mantra.

Slave 1 says:

ill be back with a better sunrise.

Sunil Bendale says:

Everything is not started from SOUND but TIME (KAAL in Sanskrit) !! TIME as a Primary dimension of the Universe is mentioned in VEDAS !! It is stated that "TIME which is Beginningless and Endless holding together the 'CREATION' !!
Any wave is represented in modern science by 1/t = Frequency !! OM or AUM is a "SOUND AMPLIFICATION OF STIMULATED EMISSION OF RADIATION OR WAVE " !! Highly potent because this wave contains HUGE amount of energy !! Similar to LASER !!

Payton Pringle says:

ohm is the convergence of two different yet similar vibrational frequencies, into the one within the "mmm" and as those just de-tuned dissonances resonate as one clean note, it gives the internal sensation subconsciously of our mental, and physical planes becoming as "one", similar to when two melodies resolve in the end of a bar of a song that loops. It is merely our deep connection to those internal vibrations that makes us feel as though we are finding a deeper existence, when in reality we are just tuning up to the same frequency of vibrational sound. 😉

Kamal Joshi says:

nice to b introduced

Tom Minogue Hastings says:

This rules!!!  🙂

Lorum Ipsum says:

Amazing. Amazing. Amazing. Thank you kindly.

TheGreatUtopiaCat says:

There are different kinds of laughing.

Keith Pankow says:

It is not "ooommm" the correct interpretation from.what I learned from Joseph Campbell is that it is a 4 syllable" wordutterance. "AAAAAUUUUUUUMMMM"

A represents waking consciousness, U represents dream sleep, M represents deep dreamless sleep and the 4th syllable is the pause/silence in between.

SelvaggioHT says:

Amazing song

Cindi Sterling says:

Beautiful!! Ty so much!! Such peace it gives…

Craig Phillips says:

This is the sound of Tao, the infinite Buddha-Mind of Everything/Nothing. Even more important than the listening to this sound, is the space you drop into when the chant is over…..Pure Silence; the Voice of God. All you have to do is BE STILL and LISTEN TO THE I AM!

Warren Edser says:

Om is the Energy sound within that produces your alignment of yourself. It neither has a religious content except that people have made it to be either Tibetan or Hinduism or god. To understand the Energy of Om is to understand yourself rising to a Higher consciousness and to understand all that, step inside a hallway or close space and hum or go to the open space in a valley and call out cooee. Namaste

Lydie Gastambide says:

"Om, on m'a tiré mon top!!!"

Le donut enragé says:

J'écouterai cette chanson avec d'aller à mon bac de philo

Olga King says:

I love this Universal Sound, it is GOD commune with it! 

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