Can You be Present and Work Efficiently? Q&A Eckhart Tolle

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It is possible to move and to work fast while rooted in Presence, provided the majority of your attention is on Being rather than the desired outcome of the activity.

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corazones _ says:

perfect timing!

defaultytuser says:

That's the thing I undoubtedly enjoy the most of working in aviation. Flying an airplane requires 100% of your attention 100% of the time, leaving very little room for thought. In fact the "hurry slowly" phrase accurately describes cockpit discipline because , no matter how fast things are happening or how urgent the situation is, corrective measures are always approached with thorough caution.
Unfortunately though , in my experience, this "conscious friendly" environment during flight usually develops into an impossible struggle to achieve such state in less attention-demanding activities of ordinary life. Maybe that's why (and not to be judgmental by any means) I usually find my colleagues or myself to be amongst THE MOST unconscious groups of people to have around in daily life.

Rami Ungar the Writer says:

I heard him talking about a television show that's quite good but doesn't get good ratings and is canceled when it could've been given time to mature, and I immediately think, "NBC's Dracula. If they had advertised that one a bit more and then given it a second season, it probably would have done well. Instead, they barely advertised it and it was canceled after one season."

Justice 4All says:

In my job I have to talk to customers that rush me to help them while they show me non verbally that they are frustrated the whole time. I try to detach from all of them

nobody really says:

To all and everyone, congratulations on your abundances.😊 💛

Nit De Armengol says:

Danke schon!

Amanda Kelly says:

And those blue flowers are beautiful

Amanda Kelly says:

This is great

Howard Hill says:

Being present is naturally faster because Presence enables you to do it right with high quality the 1st time.

Mary G says:

I am SO grateful we were laid off during covid, then a personal crisis had me spinning into overdrive trying to learn new skills. Thankfully, I finally feel n realize I have time and self-compassion is teaching me, that I'm worthy, with or without a job title. It's been so wonderful to learn to accept myself. I send prayers to the many wonderful people living with the pressures of deadlines, etc. Thank you Eckhart for helping me slow down, and enjoy presence.

cyrus metcalfe says:

Go with the flow like a river thank you got it 👍

Antoinette Fisher says:

I am unable to do this as health reasons.

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