– Zeytin Dalı Harekatı’na ‘zeytin dalı’ ile destek Samsun Valisi Osman Kaymak: “İçimizden görünüp de emperyalistlerle beraber hareket eden insanlar var”SAMSUN – Memur-Sen tarafından düzenlenen “Tüm Anadolu Ayaktayız, Emperyalizme Karşı Savaştayız” eylemine ‘zeytin dalı’ ile [More]
In July of 2014, Spirit of India (a division of Original World Travel, offers a once in a lifetime 16 day cultural immersion tour to Ladakh India to attend the Kalachakra Initiation with His Holiness [More]
The documentary explores Buddhism as the science of the mind. It focuses on His Holiness in his role as a Buddhist Scholar and Teacher and on the profound nature and wider implications of what he [More]