His Holiness the Dalai Lama answers audience questions at “Creating a Happier World: an afternoon with the Dalai Lama and friends” – organised by Action for Happiness in London on 21 Sept 2015 www.actionforhappiness.org/dalai-lama-event With [More]
How might the world look roughly 15 years from now if we choose well-being today? While economic prosperity has generally increased, why haven’t happiness and well-being? How can we decrease the costs related to depression [More]
Dalai Lama: HörBuch der Menschlichkeit – Eine neue Ethik für unsere Zeit Teil 1: 1. Die moderne Gesellschaft und die Suche nach dem menschlichen Glück 2. Nichts Magisches – Nichts Mystisches 3. Die bedingte Entstehung [More]
Read Ebook Now http://goodreadslist.com.playsterbooks.com/?book=0520089480 Download My Tibet Text by his Holiness the Fourteenth Dali Lama of Tibet PDF Online
On February 21, His Holiness the Dalai Lama demonstrated his health and vitality by offering a 3-hour public talk and teaching at the Minneapolis Convention Center. This Is the official multi-camera video feed of the [More]