This is a beautiful, devotional, clip where Doc talks about the power of the field and when your intention is strong enough, the potentiality will be come actuality when conditions are right. from the October [More]
Dr. Hawkins continues to reveal to us that everything is happening through Divinity, not through the claims of the Ego. A uplifting clip from October 2004 Witnessing and Observing. To view all lectures by Dr. [More]
We have all experienced relational conflict at one time or another, and probably said and done some things in the heat of an argument that were hurtful. But when does a person’s actions cross over [More]
If you are lonely despite being married or in a committed relationship, you are not alone. You may share a bed, meals, responsibilities and even children, but if there is no emotional connection, there is [More]
crisp pearl apples hemorrhage splashes of walnut wash the decay dribbles between my knuckles, silky as impermanence. how much of life is spent learning to let go: recalling to forget now is not the time [More]
The Letting Go technique is one of the easiest ways to let go of ANY emotion. But it requires a mindset shift in order to do so. Because we’ve been trained since childhood to shy [More]
This wonderful clip came from the May 2002 lecture. Dr. Hawkins explains what the “1/10 thousandth of a second” means as an opportunity for Enlightenment. Full lecture available through our video streaming service: