A special guest and I discuss “calibration” based on muscle testing for consciousness levels: Dr. David Hawkins material. Power vs Force was Hawkins first book. I have now read :In the World but Not of [More]
This delightful clip is from September 2006 lecture, The Review of The Work. Dr. Hawkins warns us about the temptations that we will meet as we evolve in consciousness and also talks about the Integrity [More]
In this wonderful clip, Dr. Hawkins explains the basics of The Map of Consciousness® . When you calibrate something, you are calibrating the essence of something, not the appearance. The book is not its cover. [More]
Pick up full copies below https://www.nightingale.com/truth-falsehood.html https://www.audible.com/pd/Truths-vs-Falsehood-Audiobook/B00NWS4SQO?action_code=ASSGB149080119000H&share_location=pdp Learn the real truth about anything in just seconds! Until now, we have been like sailors at sea without a compass to keep us on track in our [More]
In this informative clip from January 2002 lecture, Causality: The Ego’s Foundation, Dr. Hawkins describes the ego’s greatest illusion and is our greatest block to Enlightenment. It wants us to believe it has sovereignty and [More]
La chanteuse Traimaine Hawkins, la Grande Dame du gospel, au festival de l’Innatendu en 1992 A écouter dans Les légendes du jazz de Jérôme Badinisamedi & dimanche à 18h sur France Musique#TraimaineHawkins #jazz#gospel #LesLégendesDuJazz #JérômeBadini