We cannot enter into higher levels of existence until we advance in consciousness to the point where we overcome duality and are no longer earth-bound. – Power Vs. Force
Humor results from shifting context by which absurdity reveals itself. Humor is also confrontive to positionality-to laugh at oneself or help others to do so relieves conflict and stress. Humor is therapeutic and cathartic. It [More]
Download Book PDF Now http://ebookbook.net/?book=B00DO8FV9U [PDF] Power vs. Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior by Hawkins David R (2004)
David Hawkins of Abel Danger joins me to discuss Crime Scene Investigation storyboards for live theater and crowdfunded docudrama movies as tools for investigating unsolved crimes. Become a Sponsor of Crowdsource the Truth http://paypal.me/crowdsourcethetruth monthly [More]
Milo & Otis (Oda & Sarah) Dr. David R. Hawkins Discussion of animal Conciousness
This is a sample fro God Vs Science video 3 Interested in the open lectures visit the link below veritaspub.com
This is sample from 2002 Video Lectures Video 2 ~ Perception & Illusion Of Reality . All Lectures can be found at Veritaspub.com
David R. Hawkins on having strong opinions
the human mind is unprotected and vulnerable to almost any conceivable programming to the degree of even the most bizarre and extreme falsity ofwhich the classic ‘Luciferic inversion’ is a striking and currently displayed example [More]