This is a sample fro God Vs Science video 3 Interested in the open lectures visit the link below
Audiobook The Informed Vision: Essays on Learning and Human Nature David Hawkins Book DONWLOAD NOW
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The common conception is that capital means wealth or money in the bank. It fails to recognize that the true source of capital is the creativity of the mind from which the accumulation of money
Epub I: Reality and Subjectivity Dr. David R. Hawkins M.D. Ph.D. Read OnlineDONWLOAD NOW
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As the level of consciousness proceeds upward past 600 into the levels calibrated at 700 and beyond, even the world itself disappears as such. There are only the unmanifest and the manifest that exist only
This Is a sample for 2008 live lectures the clear pathway to enlightenment, Lecture 2 ,CD 1 for all lectures visit
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