You are neither you brain nor you mind . So who are you? #hardproblemofconsciousness #quantumbody #entanglement #awareness #consciousnessstudies #neuroplasticity #mindbodyconnection #meditation #yogapractice —– Follow along with #QuantumBody, now available at your favorite retailer or at [More]
You are neither the mind, nor the brain or body but the producer and director of both. #QuantumMind #MindBrain #Consciousness #ScienceMysteries #Philosophy #Meditation #Spirituality #QuantumReality #TruthSeeking #BeyondDuality —– Follow along with #QuantumBody, now available at [More]
It’s official. I’m the official purveyor of Quantum Quackery. However, here are some more quantum quackery reflections! #hardproblemofconsciousness #quantumbody #entanglement #awareness #consciousnessstudies #neuroplasticity #mindbodyconnection #meditation —– Follow along with #QuantumBody, now available at your favorite retailer [More]
Bill O’Reilly vs. Deepak Chopra On ” The Muslim Problem ”
In Search of Enlightenment? Deepak Chopra Says ‘Just Be’Urban Zen Foundation – Urban Zen CenterWhat is driving us as we look towards the future? Is it fear of disaster or is it a spiritually inspired [More]
Deepak Chopra: The Need for a More Feminine ‘Archetype’Women: Inspiration & Enterprise – 82 MercerWIE Inspiration Day: Speech: Deepak Chopra Deepak Chopra Inspiration Day features some of the most impressive minds in philanthropy, politics, business, [More]
I want to share with you some of my personal reflections on awareness over the years. Please let me know if you would like to hear more. #quantumconsciousness #quantummechanics #quantumreality #ultimatereality #awareness —– Follow along [More]
Joining forces with two leading scientists, New York Times bestselling author Deepak Chopra offers a quantum leap for improving our physical and mental health. In an unprecedented collaboration between three of today’s most powerful minds, [More]
Does Classical Biology emerge from Quantum Biology? Mainstream science is behind on this and needs to catch up.  #quantumentanglement #quantumconsciousness #quantummechanics #wavefunction #quantumbiology #classicalbiology —– Follow along with #QuantumBody, now available at your favorite retailer or [More]
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