The suffering of the world is our suffering. There is no way to peace. Peace is the way. Can we do our part? #seva #sangha #simran #peaceistheway #conflictresolution
Try this experiment and let me know what you think. You are the invisible Divine Self appearing as the visible divine universe. #entanglement #quantumentanglement #quantumuniverse #quantumconsciousness #quantum —– Deepak’s new book, #QuantumBody is now available [More]
Entrevista de Richard Dawkins a Deepak Chopra “Why Does Deepak Chopra Hate Me?” Anti-evolution International I’ve never done anything to Deepak Chopra. At least, not in this lifetime. Perhaps I’ve mocked his surrealistically bizarre [More]
Last year 48% of Americans were plagued by insomnia, according to the National Sleep Foundation. As anyone who has gone without sleep knows, a lack of .CHANNEL – Deepak Chopra Audiobook : Deepak Chopra As [More]
Time Travel With Deepak Chopra and Dr. Michio Kaku
Rewiring our brains for a peace, prosperity, health and joy with bonus meditation practice. #meditation #peaceistheway #conflictresolution —– Deepak’s new book, #QuantumBody is now available for pre-order at
This is in response to the ongoing debate on Quantum Consciousness, first brought up in a recent interview with Deepak Chopra and Roger Cohen, an award-winning @nytimes reporter. #QuantumConsciousness #QuantumEntanglement #QuantumScience —– Deepak’s new book, [More]
In Search of Enlightenment? Deepak Chopra Says ‘Just Be’Urban Zen Foundation – Urban Zen CenterWhat is driving us as we look towards the future? Is it fear of disaster or is it a spiritually inspired [More]
Deepak Chopra Explains How to Find the Leader Within
Author and physician Deepak Chopra delivers a powerful existential speech that will leave you amazed.