Reinventing the body | Deepak Chopra | TEDxTimesSquare
Revelation & Awakening: You are the creator, sustainer, destroyer and resurrection of the universe. #TotalMeditation #Metahuman #YouAreTheUniverse #Awakening #Revelation #Woke #Being #Love #Peace #Joy #Karma #Freedom #FreedomfromLimitations
How Photons Create Life & Energy on our Planet – The extraordinary journey of Dr. Roberto Bogomolni. A conversation with Deepak Chopra, Dr. Roberto Bogomolni and Rajnish Khanna. Roberto Bogomolni was originally trained as a [More] Schrijf Je Gratis In Op De Nieuwsbrief Voor Tips en Technieken Op Gebied Van Spirituele en Persoonlijke Groei, Mindfulness, Aandacht
The Awakened Brain; The New Science of Spirituality and our quest for an inspired Life. A Conversation with Deepak Chopra and Dr. Lisa Miller. Get Lisa’s book at Lisa Miller, Ph.D., is the New [More]
El médico, escritor y conferencista de India, Deepak Chopra dio una charla ayer en Panamá acerca del futuro del bienestar. Comenzó explicando, como ve aquí en el video, de qué está compuesto el mundo. PARA [More]
Richard Dawkins exposes charlatan Deepak Chopra
Meditation For Inner Peace – Daily Guided Meditation by Deepak Chopra Meditation can remove stress and replace it with a dose of inner peace. But it can be tough to meditate without a teacher or [More]
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Deepak Chopra on “The Third Jesus”