Register NOW for the 21-day meditation challenge: Is there a best time of day to meditate? How much time do you need to meditate each day? Watch as Deepak Chopra answers your most burning [More]
Deepak Chopra es un médico indio. Hábil disertante y escritor prolífico, ha escrito extensamente sobre espiritualidad y el poder de la mente en la curación médica. Está influenciado por las enseñanzas de escrituras tradicionales indias [More]
Link for the Full Video Recommended Videos – Deepak Chopra with Richard Dawkins Deepak Chopra doing Richard Dawkins job
Meditation First, Second, and Third Chakras. From the CD from Dr. Deepak Chopra ‘Chakra Meditations’ This is a guided Meditation. I created this video for myself and other people that have trouble visualizing colors while [More]
Deepak Chopra Higher States of Consciousness Deepak Chopra is the Founder and Chairman of the Chopra Foundation, and Founder and Co-Chairman of the Chopra Center for Well Being. Known as the prolific author of over [More]