Originally Published November 2014. There is no easy answer except JUST DO IT (release your illusion) or you’re not ready yet. But none of this really matters. The paradox is that what matters is only [More]
Register NOW for the 21-day meditation challenge: http://bit.ly/1caR1DR Is there a best time of day to meditate? How much time do you need to meditate each day? Watch as Deepak Chopra answers your most burning [More]
Deepak Chopra es un médico indio. Hábil disertante y escritor prolífico, ha escrito extensamente sobre espiritualidad y el poder de la mente en la curación médica. Está influenciado por las enseñanzas de escrituras tradicionales indias [More]
Link for the Full Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOksP3bUHUo&index=1&list=PLDXBqkWN_T0M0NTuUoHAey7U2CHY9tkYU Recommended Videos – Deepak Chopra with Richard Dawkins https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cS9TkIFGLuE&list=PL3_oCuRCcPwdTVutcI3_mNr3MYKlJqA7V&index=1 Deepak Chopra doing Richard Dawkins job https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAF1a1tUVbg
Meditation First, Second, and Third Chakras. From the CD from Dr. Deepak Chopra ‘Chakra Meditations’ This is a guided Meditation. I created this video for myself and other people that have trouble visualizing colors while [More]