Deepak Chopra ” Breakthrough Thinker ” speech Deepak Chopra is one of the leading mind-body spirit Gurus. He seeks to teach the benefits of incorporating meditation and a healthy lifestyle for increasing inner happiness. Deepak [More]
According to world-renowned author teacher and thinker Deepak Chopra, technology has the potential to heal the planet in many ways, by fostering relationships. “I believe that technology is the manifestation of God through the human [More]
The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success – A Practical Guide to the Fulfillment of Your Dreams is a self-help, pocket-sized book from author and physician Deepak Chopra, published originally by New World Library, freely inspired [More]
DTS presents Deepak Chopra from The Chopra Center for Wellbeing, an intimate conversation and discussion spirituality, wellness, technology and sound. Facilitated by Lifestyle Journalist and TV Personality Stefanie Michaels, Dr. Chopra explores our changing consciousness [More]
Arielle Ford with Deepak Chopra Attract Your Soulmate Now ~ Arielle Ford Attract Your Soulmate Attract Your Soulmate Now Is a Free Online Seri. Learn more at Spiritual Solutions is our brand new workshop [More]
Dangerous Ideas (Ideas Peligrosas) Chopra & Richard Dawkins 2013 Sigueme: Video original del usuario Spudw2k
Deepak Chopra says that God makes more sense than atheism. This is my response to his arguments. Send this video to his twitter @DeepakChopra BUY MY STUFF! The Douchebag Bible (my book) – Atheist [More]
Dr. Deepak Chopra was the honored guest of the World Business Academy a talk and discussion of his pioneering work in consciousness, the links with the Academy’s pioneering work on safe energy production and the [More]