Living Without Limits – Ho’oponopono Join certified hypnotherapist, gifted healer, and bestselling author Dr. Joe Vitale as he guides you through an ancient Hawaiian healing ritual that helps you break the chains of negativity, deepen [More]
Joe Vitale’s website: Visit my blog about Spiritual Awakening here: Feel free to connect with me on Facebook:
Dr Joe Vitale in THE SECRET movie on DVD. Promo clip courtesy of In this clip Dr Joe Vitale explains, “You are the Michelangelo of your own life. The David you are sculpting is [More] Sekret (The Secret) – film o sile ludzkiego umysłu Napisz co sądzisz na ten temat na: Na blogu napisałem moją opinię na temat filmu Sekret: Na mnie film zrobił ogromne wrażenie, za każdym [More]
Dr. Joe Vitale reveals the limitations of self-help and personal growth methods in this inspiring talk, which describes a healing method called ho’oponopono that erases belief programming and limitations. Zero Limits and the whiteboard [More]