Wayne Dyer shares the two choices that you have at any given moment in your life — to choose the picture / evaluation offered by the ego, or to go with the one offered by [More]
This video shows the people you believe part of the Charles Dryer (accused child rapist, and Oath Keeper chapter leader) are in fact played by Canadian based Truthergirl Sonya, her husband and friends.
Wayne Dyer shares what happens before and after enlightenment. He explains what the Zen Proverb on Chop Wood Carry Water mean in our daily lives. You’re always going to chop wood and carry water. But [More]
Wayne Dyer shares one little sentence that can dramatically alter and improve the quality of your relationships. When you have a choice to be right or to be kind, just pick kind. This is a [More]
Dr. Wayne Dyer – It is Time to Accept The Abundance #WayneDyer #Manifestation #Lawofattraction 🔈 SPEAKER : Dr. Wayne Dyer Wayne Walter Dyer was an American self-help author and a motivational speaker. His first book, [More]
Wayne Dyer – Moses Code Meditation I AM THAT I AM – NO AD BREAKS Meditation starts at 7:20 Manifest anything you desire with Wayne Dyer’s Meditation ” I AM” One of the best LOA [More]