Dalam video kali ini, Dr. Wayne Dyer akan membawa kita menemukan siapakah jati diri kita sebenarnya. Pertanyaan mendasar seperti “siapakah Aku?” merupakan pertanyaan klasik yang memerlukan penggalian mendalam untuk bisa menemukan jawabannya. Melalui video ini [More]
Wonderful piece of meditation music brought by Dr. Wayne Dyer. Subscribe for more Meditation Music. Comment and share what would you like to see next. Facebook Channel – https://www.facebook.com/AbrahamHicksSeminarVideos/ I am that I am meditation [More]
DR. WAYNE W. DYER Affectionately called the “father of motivation” by his fans, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer was an internationally renowned author, speaker, and pioneer in the field of self-development. Over the four decades of [More]