Really amazing wisdom from author & speaker Dr. Wayne Dyer! If you are on the spiritual path and seeking deeper truth in life, Dyers ”Manifesting Your Destiny” series is going to be an unforgetable experience. [More]
Really amazing wisdom from author & speaker Dr. Wayne Dyer! If you are on the spiritual path and seeking deeper truth in life, Dyers ”Manifesting Your Destiny” series is going to be an unforgetable experience. [More]
Wayne W. Dyer, Ph.D., is an internationally renowned author and speaker in the field of self-development. He’s the author of 30 books, has created many audio programs and videos, and has appeared on thousands of [More]
Las 7 Fases de la intención: Creatividad Bondad Amor Belleza Expansión Receptividad Abundancia “Cuando cambias la forma en como miras las cosas, las cosas que miras cambian”
Las 7 Fases de la intención: Creatividad Bondad Amor Belleza Expansión Receptividad Abundancia “Cuando cambias la forma en como miras las cosas, las cosas que miras cambian”
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