In this video, Eckhart teaches how to connect spiritually with other people in a way that is judgement-free and enjoyable, because the moment you have thought arising and judgement, you can’t experience being with another [More]
Eckhart decodes the famous teaching from Socrates that says, “The reason why I’m the wisest of all men is that I’m the only one who knows that he knows nothing.” The deeper meaning of this [More]
Becoming aware of the activity of our own minds—from the constant chatter of “the voice in the head” to the ways we unconsciously perceive others and the world around us—is a critical step on the [More]
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In this video, Eckhart offers guidance in managing the relationship between our thoughts and our emotions. Subscribe to find greater fulfillment in life: Want to watch and hear more of Eckhart’s Teachings? Become a [More]
Eckhart recommends practicing Presence in small moments throughout the day. He suggests a few simple practices, including starting meetings with 30 seconds of stillness and cultivating awareness of background alertness during conversations. Subscribe to find [More]
Echkart emphasizes the importance of being disciplined with our use of devices because they are an extension of the human mind and are highly addictive. He suggests noticing if you are addicted to your device; [More]