In this video, Eckhart talks about the important practice that is getting aligned with the present moment. Becoming okay with the isness of things is a very powerful thing, as nothing ever happens that’s not [More]
In today’s society, we have a tendency to run on doing mode. This includes both thinking as well as interacting with the world and being affected by it, however according to Eckhart, we need to [More]
Most people’s minds are full of noise, unimportant and loud, especially when we encounter a difficult life situation. Eckhart shares how these thoughts keep us from being at peace with what is and create unhappiness [More]
Technology is neutral and can be used to clutter the mind or to encourage spaciousness. Eckhart suggests being very conscious about your use of technology and maintaining periods of time that are technology-free. Subscribe to [More]
According to Eckhart, there is one important secret to manifesting those things you want in your life, but it’s extremely important not to rely on manifesting to make you happy. Subscribe to find greater fulfillment [More]